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"(Y/N) GET UP!" I was shaken roughly as my eyes jolted open. I saw the happy glow that Kai had carried around him. I glared at him and he laughed. "Come on silly, we have to get ready for the duel." He skipped out of my room and I sat up. Stretching, I walked to my drawer and picked out an outfit and dragged myself to the kitchen. Kai was setting some food down. "You look so cute!" He giggled.

"Why are you so giddy?" I mumbled.

"I'm always happy, I have to be."

"What?" My eyes were half open.

"Another time my dear partner, another time.." He pat me on the head and sat across from me at the table. I stared at him as he happily ate his pancakes. We finished and he took my plate. "Let's go early." He said as he grabbed our coats.

"Kai could u possibly tone it down a little?" I asked trying to be nice.

"I dont know... I like being happy. It helps." He smiled. He opened the door and let me walk through first. We walked to the school in silence. Once we arrived the group was already there and the man with the screw was on a chair.

"Just in time you two." He gestured his hand for Maka and Soul to move to the center. "Time for the fight now go." The command was blunt and to the point. I nervously looked over to Kai and he put on an assuring face. I transformed and when he caught me I felt... Calm. Like I was floating in a sea of understanding, happiness, and... Pain? Soul changed and they got in fighting position.

"Dont go easy." Maka said looking down. I was in My gauntlet form but I also had a mini sword with it. The battle began when Maka started to spin Soul around her. Kai jumped in the air and landed behind her. He flipped back and kicked her back. She rolled but got up and launched towards us. She tried to hit but Kai used the gauntlet as a shield and sliced her stomach. "HEY THATS NOT FAIR!" She screamed as she started to swing the scythe like it was a yo-yo. Kai dodged it all and when she looked like she was about to get tried he ran up to her and punched her in the stomach. There was no lie, Kai was a great fighter. His speed is amazing and his senses are sharp. 'There has to be a catch..' I thought.

"HEY GO EASY ON HER!" Soul started to scream.


"Calm down Maka you dont need to do this, its only a little fight-" Kid was trying to calm her down but it didn't work. With hesitation Soul and Maka used their soul resonance and turned to witch hunter. She brought it down and Kai used me as a shield again. She was enraged and I noticed her scream "GENIE HUNTER." The blade upgraded but it wasn't effective. She resulted to her last hunter. The Kishin hunter was a pain, i'm sure Kai was getting tired of it as well. He quickly pushed up, causing Maka to lift the blade a tad. He took these seconds to move to the side and as Maka was pulling the blade down Kai smashed the gauntlet through. The  Scythe smashed into pieces and everything sped back up. Maka was lying on the floor and looked like she was defeated. Soul changed checked to see if she was ok. She pouted and turned away from him. I changed back and felt light headed. Kai looked like he had seen a ghost.

"(Y/n) your soul..." He marveled at me. "Its so sad." He hugged me and I felt my body stiffen along with the air as the three guys glared over. "I'll make it my job to help that." He smiled and let me go. I still didnt feel right.

"Wonderful. You are perfect for my class. I also noticed that you used magic." The screwhead Stein pointed out.

"Wait what? I don't remember using or giving any magic." I protested. Kai looked equally as shocked.

"You dont get it... You are magic. No matter what fight you will use magic. But it isn't a bad thing... It helps you. So Kai, you're technically and a magic wielder. Magic tool wielder." Stein was rambling on as we stared at him like he was crazy. He stopped and cleared his throat. "Anyway. Since its Saturday, feel free to go off. I only needed to see the fight to know you are worthy of my class." He rolled away. Maka got up and as soon as I looked over to her she slapped me. I held my cheek as everyone stared in confusion.

"You weren't supposed to win. You cheated with magic. I will reduce this fight and I will win." She walked away and Soul rushed to my aid.

"Are you ok," He asked, "I'm so sorry about her. I seriously have no idea what her deal is, this is so uncool."

"Its ok...," I said, "I'll be fine it was just a slap." I looked away the girls had followed Maka to see what her deal was. Kai was on the to her side of me and the other guys were also trying to catch Maka. We all decided to go and bang out at Soul and Maka's place seeing thats most likely where she's going. When we got there she left the for open and she was sitting on the couch petting Blair.

"Apologize Maka." Soul demanded. She hmphed and looked the other way. "Stop acting childish."

"Fine I'm sorry (Y/n). Its just you embarrassed me... In front of my friends." She started to get sad.

"They're my friends too.... I'm sorry I did that but I didnt know I was that powerful." I said. I wasn't sure whether to fake it or just be genuine. I wasn't one for drama and she, from what I could tell, was the queen. She hugged me and I tensed. Neither me or the group was feeling the tone she was giving me. Before I knew what was happening I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I stayed as quiet as possible as she pulled away. The group freaked out and pulled Maka away.

"MAKA WHAT IS WRONG EITH YOU!?" Soul screamed. The others were stuck at words.

"WHAT THE HELL?!? (Y/N)!" Kai screamed. He grabbed me and ran out the door.


As the two left the building Black★star, Kid, and their weapons followed. Soul and Maka stayed in the apartment where she started to act more and more strange.

"MAKA WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?!" The white haired boy screamed. Maka stared blankly at him until she started to glow yellow. A snake traveled out of her mouth and slithered its way to the window. He tried to kill it but it was took late. He knew exactly who it was.


"S-soul?" She stared at the boy as her vision started to restore. "What happened?" She asked.

"When did you get possessed?!" The boy shouted.

"Possessed? What do you mean?" She looked as if she had a headache. "I remember falling into the found and something slithering in my face." She started to realize her words.


Last one standing (Soul eater boys X reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant