Acting out

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I slowly rose as I stretched my arms in the air. I felt a weird stinging in my arm but I dismissed it. Everyone was still asleep so I decided to go and make some breakfast but when I got there I noticed that Soul was sitting at the table. His hair was pushed back and his eyes were droopy but he was chewing one something. Those. Teeth.

"Hey Soul." My voice must of startled him seeing as he half jumped.

"Oh, Hey (Y/n). Why are you up so early?" He replied in between yawns.

"I should be asking you that. I always got up early." I walked towards the fridge to grab some ingredients to cook.

"Weird, you seemed so mad when we all tried to wake you up on your first day." He nervously laughed. I giggled.

"Well I mean, Mt family was just killed." I snapped. I fried up the stove and started to cook the bacon Kai had bought on our first day. Soul looked away but got up and i felt him approaching. I turned to see his face inches away.

"(Y/n) I have to tell you something." His voice was low and deep. I felt my face heating up. "I really like you." He smiled.

"Haha thats obvious." I nervously tried to change the mood. He laughed and before I knew it, we were kissing. I melted into the kiss without knowing. I pulled away when I heard s door open. We had a huge goofy grin. I felt like my face was just dipped into a pit of fire. Maka walked in and smiled.

"Hey (Y/n), did ya sleep well?" She sat down and took am apple.

"Yeah.." I said as I set down some breakfast for her. She thanked me and I told her that I would go and wake the others up. The girls were all up which meant I had to wake up the guys. The bathroom door was closed which meant Soul was in there. I opened the door to the guys only to hold my confusion and laughter in. All the giys were in different directions. Kai was on his bed with his arm and leg dangling off the bed. Black★star looked as if he fell to the floor because he was sprawled across the floor. Kid was laying face down and using his arm as a pillow. I didnt move except for covering my mouth. I decided to be nice and gently wake them up so I crept towards Black★star and tap him in the face. "Hey it'd time to wake up."

"Dont make me... I dont want to kill the dragon, mommy..." He stirred in his spot, but didnt wake up.

"Black★star wake up." I raised my voice a bit. Nothing. I decided to take Kai's pillow from underneath him. I walked back over to Black★star and slammed the pillow down onto his face. He shot up looking around.

"IM UP IM UP-" before he could finish he noticed me and quickly turned red. "(Y/n)...."

"Yeah... I'm not your mommy." I laughed. Before he could answer I walked up the others. Black★star watched as I slammed the pillow onto them, each waking up the same. They stared at me as I tossed the pillow back to Kai and as I left I told them breakfast was ready.  When I got into the kitchen Liz and Soul were yelling at each other while Maka and Patty were holding them back and Tsubaki was trying to stop.


"NO SHE ISNT, YOU'RE JUST BEING STUPID." Soul yelled back. The other three guys crept behind me Kid looked pissed at Liz's accusations.

"YOU'RE ONLY SAYING THAT CAUSE YOU LOVE HER-" Before she could finish Kid butted in.

"Liz what is with you?!" She looked over and became more and more angered.

"Kid dont tell me you trust her too." She looked as if his answer would ruin her world. He looked offended that she didnt trust me.

"I do trust her, she doesn't have an untrustworthy personality, she hasn't done any of us wrong. I dont see how you could think that." Thats when Liz snapped.

"That's it. If you won't do anything then I'll have to. Patty transform now!" Liz yelled.

"But sis why...?" She cowardly let go.

"NOW!" Patty did as told and Liz caught her. No one moved as she aimed for me. Time slowed and she shot. I couldn't move. I watched as bullets flew into me. Both my shoulders and then into my chest. In slow motion I fell to the ground. My eyes rolled back and all I heard was muffled screams of my name.

"Is she...?" I felt someones hand patching me up. I felt myself on a bed, my bed. I opened my eyes and felt normal. "SHES OK!" Tsubaki cheered. I look around and everyone crowded.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n). It wasn't me it was Medusa." Liz wouldn't stop apologizing. I said it was ok but I remembered what Hyde told me. We all settled we were watching some guys pranking each other when I felt something strange. My arm was in tremendous pain. I grabbed it in a way that wouldn't alarm anyone and said that we should sleep for school the next day.

Once again I was the first up. I slowly made my way to the kitchen and started cooking. I was about to take the pancakes off when I was lifted off the ground. I reflexively threw the pan behind me but I flew across the room and landed with a loud thud. 'There goes my hard word..' I thought as I moved to get out of grip. I was put down and hurt laughing.

"You squirm a lot." Black★star laughed. I pouted and he hugged me. "I never vet the chance alone with you but nows a good a time as any. I really like you (Y/n). I mean, we're like the same." He didnt give me and time to speak before he kissed my forehead and walked off. I stared dumbfounded at the living room.

'Two... How does that even happen. Who's next, Kid or Kai?' I thought in curiosity. 'To be real they are all pretty good... Hm.' Everyone woke up and when they weren't looking Soul and Black★star simultaneously winked at me. I didnt know what to do so just double winked, which was just blinking. I heard chuckles. We all left and were early so decided to hang out in front of the school.

"So wait since you have magic, can you do anything with it?" Kid asked.

"I think... Never used it. Pretty sure it would be random." I said while looking at my hands.

"Usually you have to have to hit a pressure point so here's to nothing." Black★star quickly blurted out before squeezing down on my collar bone.

"HEY-" I saw a busty of light in my face and everyone fell to the ground.

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