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"I have a guest bedroom. You all can spend the night and we can hope she wakes up soon." The professor told us and we all agreed. "I'll stay up and watch.."

"We can take shifts." I chimed in.

"Yeah, you dont have to do this alone Professor. We all want to help." Soul added.

"Thanks... I'll take first. You guys go rest." We said goodnight and went to bed. I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning.

"Kai, you good?" Black★star spoke, I was a bit startled.

"I dont know.... I can't really sleep. What if she never wakes up?" He rolled over and looked up at the ceiling.

"Can't think of those things. It'll only make the situation worse. Do what I do, let those worries go to the back of your mind, and try to focus on other things."

"I can't. The only thing on my mind is (Y/n)."

"You think I'm not that way? I'm sure everyone here is. But instead of thinking like that, think about all the good things that happened. All the things that will happen, when she wakes up." I took his advice and started to think about the future.

"Thanks Black★star..."

"No problem, man. We're all pretty hung up, so for now... Just try and think positive." He turned over and fell asleep. I sat up and nodded. 'Maybe I should see if mt shifts coming up.' I got up and went to the room where Professor Stein was staring at the screen. (Y/n) was still asleep and hooked up.

"Um... Professor?" I finally spoke. He turned around.

"Oh, Kai. Is my shift up already? Anyway, all you have to do is watch the screen to see if anything happens. If something were to happen just press this button and come and get me." I nodded and he left. I looked at the screen. It was black and had no sound.

"Please wake up soon (Y/n)... Its like you're in a coma, except we can see everything." I sat near her and looked at the screen. I reached out to grab her hand and once I did the screen lit up.

"Wake up!" My eyes shot open at the evil command. They laid on Medusa and I shuddered. "Crona, get the girl. Its time for the injection." I felt my body fall as he walked in.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)..." He grabbed me and I screamed.

"NO LET ME GO!" I struggled against his grin but he had Ragnarok helping him.

"This isn't as hard as I thought. Shes really light." I continued to try to to break free. They moved me to the same room, sat me down, and strapped me in.

"Good. Now get the syringe." Medusa grinned.

"PLEASE!" I looked over to Crona as he took the needle and jabbed it into my thigh.

"L-lady Medusa... Will this let (Y/n) like me back..?" He shook as he stared at his mother.

"Yes Crona. After this is done, she'll be all yours." He formed a small smile and my eyes widened. The visions were returning. "Remember, all of your little friends... They killed the people you loved. Your family." 

"Stop it stop it stop it!" the room began to get dark as I stared at Medusa.

"Dont worry, you'll be back."

I screamed as my eyes opened and I was surrounded by the people who used to try and burn me for having witches blood. "BURN THE WITCH!"



"NO NO PLEASE! I WOULD NEVER." I tried to free myself but they through gasoline at my face. They lit the match and as they threw it I launched out and landed on someone.

"SHES ATTACKING! GET HER!!!" I dodged them all when all of a sudden the black blood kicked in.

"BACK AWAY!" I screamed in order to help them... But it was too late. I had lost sight of all my morals. I changed my arm into a weapon and swung at them. I killed two instantly.

"GET THE WEAPONS!!!!" They charged at me with their pitch forks. I smiled and spun around, my blade chopped through their weapons... And them. The last boy stood there in fear.

"Please... I know you aren't a killer. If you spare me... I'll help you get better." He offered out his hand and all I could see was my father.

"YOU LEFT ME. YOY LEFT ME TO FALL TO MY DEATH." I screamed as I ran and stabbed him in the dress. I fell to the ground in the middle of bodies my vision started to clear and I saw a circle that looked like it was an alley was in the city. My friends were on the floor and blood seeped into their clothes. Two and two clicked in my head and tears fell.

"I... I did this didnt I...?" I looked all around to see all of them in the same places as. The people who were trying to harm me. "No... I- I didnt mean it.." I shook as I stared at the bodies. "Please... WHEN WILL THIS NIGHTMARE END!!!" I screamed as loud as I could. I looked down and saw a hole. I went down close to it and jumped in. Side note: bad a idea

I fell and fell until I somehow landed on Dr.Stein's house. Quickly getting off, I went into  the house and found the room we were all in before we were put to sleep. I saw Kai and only Kai sitting next to me and watching a screen. His eyes lit up as he stared at me.

"(Y/N) ITS YOU! WE MISSED YOU. COME ON!" He pointed to my body and I knew I had to go to it. I fell into my body and Kai screamed with joy. He undid the straps and jumped for joy.

"GUYS! (Y/N)'S BACK!!!" He ran out and I stretched. Everyone filed in and smiled. They ran to me and hugged me as if they haven't seen my in forever.

"Told you man." Black★star laughed. Kai nodded and everyone settled a bit.

"Good you're back. We've seen all the fears now." Professor Stein smiled and we all looked at each other.

"What was that for exactly?" Kid asked.

"Oh, it was just something that I wanted to do for fun. Also to see how strong the black blood was." We all looked at him as if he was joking.


"Exactly... But now you are all a little more aware of them. And you can face them easily. Good night." The professor left us and went to bed.

"Well now what?" Black★star asked.

"We have to be more aware of our surroundings now. Make sure (Y/n) stays away from Crona and Medusa." Tsubaki suggested.

"I mean... He does like her." Kai looked away. The whole group was in shock

"Now we definitely have to keep away." Black★star joked. Everyone nervously laughed.

"Let's sleep." Kid suggested and we all fell asleep in the room.

"Are you sure thus is helping Lady Medusa." Crona shook as he looked at his mother.

"Trust me Crona, she'll come back soon.....Give her some time."

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