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You know how Big Hero 6 was a manga and then it got a movie? Imagine them doing that for Soul Eater... Like holy shit. (I mean like the style of Big hero 6 for Soul eater. I know they already have the anime)


"I'm sorry Kat... But you can't lie to me anymore."

Kai stared at the unconscious girl. She lost a lot of blood. Kai's brain was scattered and he couldn't see straight. He was shaking but the others were too. She wasn't waking up.


"The cut was pretty deep Black★star. Plus she may heal differently." Kid tried to stay calm. Liz and Patty were on one side of the bed and Tsubaki on the other. Maka and Soul burst thought the door.

"IT WAS MEDUSA!" Maka screamed. Soul furiously nodded. "She possessed me im so sorry (Y/n)." She took her hand.

The girls eyes were slowly opening when a rush of cold air brushed over her. She looked at the end of her bed to see Her brother. "(Y/n) are you ok?"

"Hyde!" The girl tried to move when she was held back. "Please stop scaring me like this."

"It was just a cut..." She felt her cut and noticed that is was deep enough to cause major damage. "What the..."

"Those of the Mav Clan dont feel as much pain as we should. It only felt like a bee sting but in reality she cut you really bad. So bad that you started to die." The girl hadn't even noticed how deadly Maka was being. "Please be more careful." Everything faded away and she sat up in her bed. Everyone was frozen.

"Oh thank GOD!" Kai practically screamed. Liz and Patty moved so he could hug her. "I couldn't afford to lose someone again." She hugged back because she knew what it was like to lose someone. The others shared their hugs and when they left the DWMA infirmary, (Y/n) hit into Crona.

"O-oh I'm sorry (Y/n)." He apologized. "Oh...hey Maka,  everyone." He smiled and went to help me up but Kai beat him to it.

"Who are you?" Kai quickly asked.

"My n-names Crona..." He started to shake.

"He's a friend Kai, its ok." Kid said.

"I-ill get going... Bye (Y/n). Bye everyone." Crona nervously smiled and walked off.

"Let's go home... We can all spend the night at our house." (Y/n) said with a small smile. Everyone agreed and they left.

Crona slumped deeper and deeper in the corner of his room. "Why do I have to do this..." He sulked. Erika sighed.

"Lady Medusa thinks she can turn (Y/n) into a powerful weapon. Even more powerful than she now. Dont you see? (Y/n) is a secret weapon." Erika stopped and started to hop towards the window. "Medusa wants you to get some of her blood and give her some of Medusa's." She tossed a little box that held two syringes. One was empty and one had Medusa's blood. "Do this and when your done, find me in the alley near the coffee shop." Erika left and Crona opened the box. He cringed at the idea but knew this would bring him and the girl closer.

Last one standing (Soul eater boys X reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن