29. mark - fan pt. 2

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More girls entered the room, and we continued down the line to greet the rest of the boys.

"Hi Youngjae!" y/b/f softly called to her bias. You smiled at their interaction as you continued to say hello to Jaebum, Jinyoung, and Yugyeom.

One manager was directing us to stand in certain spots, and I was being nudged over between Jackson and BamBam. Suddenly, I felt a hand softly grab my wrist before I could get to my spot.

"You can stand between Jackson and I, since we're already such great friends." Mark nervously chuckled.

I nodded in return, letting him guide me to standing beside him. How strange can this get... This feels like a dream...

"Man, what should we do for the picture?" Jackson turned to me, his eyes widening as he overacted to me.

I laughed. "That's hard, Jackson. You guys are, like, models. You decide."

"Models? I would-" Jackson cut himself off before shrugging. "I'm a great model."

Mark let out a giggle beside me, making my stomach churn over how close I was to him. We looked forward to the camera, but the camera man was taking it off of the tripod.

"Camera problems, this will only take a few minutes, I promise!" The camera man walked over to a small table.

The manager lady looked at her phone. "Hang tight, everyone. We're ahead of schedule anyways."

It was like God was granting every wish I had ever asked for since joining the IGOT7 fandom. Extra time with Got7?? This was a blessing.

"More time with you guys? Oh NO!" I jokingly said, causing the girls around us to laugh.

Jackson gasped. "You don't want to spend more time with me?"

I shook my head. "Only Markiepooh!"

Mark's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as he laughed at my response. Jackson scoffed at me, pretending to wipe tears from his eyes.

"Mark is MINE! How dare you?" Jackson put his hand over his heart. I laughed before looking down the row to my friend.

I didn't pay much attention to Mark and Jackson, who were now speaking to each other... in Chinese. I didn't understand Korean, let alone Chinese.

I stood back in my spot as they continued to bicker back and forth. I cleared my throat, catching their attention.

"It's not nice to exclude your guests, you know. Not all of us speak Mandarin."

Jackson smiled. "I like this girl, she's sassy!" He put an arm around my shoulder. "We're just talking about how cute yo-"

"How cute your shirt is! Super great!" Mark nervously laughed again.

I looked down at my black Got7 shirt. I furrowed my brows. "Well, thanks I guess."

The manager came back to the front to tell us the camera was okay now. Jackson squealed, putting his arm around me and the girl next to him. Mark turned to me, putting a peace sign up behind my head. I scoffed, doing the same thing to him before smiling for the picture.


The manager said it was time for the next group. I stepped away from Jackson and Mark with a sad face.

"Thank you for making today so great. I love Got7, and everything you guys do. Thank you. Stay healthy!" I smiled, high diving them one last time.

They both thanked me and I started to wave goodbye.

"Wait!" Jackson called. "What's your name?"

"I'm y/n." I responded.

Jackson nodded slowly. "Who is your bias?"

I blushed. "M-Mark."

Mark smiled, reaching his arm around my shoulder and squeezing me. My heart pounded as we seperated.

"It was nice meeting you again, Y/n!" Mark smiled, waving goodbye to me.

"It was nice meeting you guys! Thank you!" I said goodbye one last time before turning around to catch up with the group of girls that were being escorted out.

I made my way into the hall to see y/b/f standing against the wall.

"That was the best thing ever. Youngjae was so sweet!" She sighed, her hand resting on her heart.

"Jackson and Mark were so great. It felt like I was just with some friends, you know? They were talking to each other in Chinese, though. I wonder what about."

"Probably how hot you are!" y/b/f joked.

I rolled my eyes. "No, probably that I was a huge weirdo or something."

"Y/n?" A lady's voice called behind me. I turned slowly to see the manager from before. "Jackson said you forgot this in there."

She was holding out a piece of paper, folded up unevenly. It definitely wasn't something I had with me...

"Thank you!" y/b/f said, receiving the paper.

The lady nodded before heading back into the room. My mouth dropped to the floor.

"What the hell is it? I didn't bring a pa-"

Y/b/f gasped loudly, hitting my arm. "What did you do in there?"

"W-what do you mean?" I questioned.

"Just look!" She mumbled, reading over the paper.

My heartbeat sped up as I gently took the paper and read it over.


We just met, but you're such a cool person. I know we'd be great friends... But I think you and Mark get alone pretty well, too ;) he's too shy, so I'm helping him out.

Here's his number. Text him please??



"Spill everything, right now!" y/b/f lightly pushed me as I folded up the note.

I turned, peeking over my shoulder towards the room. "We'll have to see how this all goes, now won't we?"

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