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Once you get into your house, you immediately drop all your things and reach for yours meds.

"Ugh, COME ON! Where the fudge are my meds!"

Your head is pounding like nobody's business and you aren't liking it. It feels as if it's swelling up into one huge balloon. You finally find them in the bottom of your backpacks.

What the heck! How did they get in here?

After you grab your meds, you notice a note  in the bottom of your backpack. It reads:

Look at your mail.

It was plain and very direct.

At first you thought it was someone trying to mess with you but you were curious, so you went to your laptop, opened it and opened your email.

As your scrolled through different emails, you came across one labeled r.u.l.b. You clicked on it and when the screen loaded it said:

meet me in the alley you met Raph, tomorrow at 8. Don't bring anyone, NOT EVEN RAPH!

You squinted at the text in front of you; making sure you didn't read it wrong. You lay yourself back on your chair and sigh

"What the heck! No, I'm not going." You say to yourself.

You close your eyes shut then open them just to make sure you weren't dreaming; but once you open them, you still see the same text that you read a few seconds ago.

To get your mind of the dilemma you tried to occupy yourself with happy thoughts, remembering that you were supposed to call Taylor over.

"Crap!" You rush to get your phone near your laptop and dial her number. It rings a few times before you hear


You sigh in relief, hoping that she wasn't too mad to speak to you:

"Hey, you wanna come over?"

There's a long pause and you were getting anxious but she replied soon after:

"Sure, I'll come over in a few minutes."

You nod in approval before speaking into the phone, "Ok,I'll see you later!"

The both of you hang up and you pack away everything that was in your bag from the hospital.

When you finish, you plop on the couch and go on social media, still trying not to wrap your mind around the email. A few minutes after, you hear the bell ring.

Even though you've heard a bell ring plenty of times before, it felt new. It was louder than ever, buzzed through your ears with the most unsatisfying sound, and kept ringing even though you know it stopped already.


You lazily carry yourself upright, standing on the floor and cover your ears. You stomp towards the door and unlock it.

Before you can say anything, Taylor wraps her arms around your neck and starts swaying you from side to side. You struggle to keep stability, so you push her off of you.

"Sorry, (Y/N). I'm glad to see your ok!"

"Yeah me too." You respond, messaging your temples.

Taylor giggles and walks herself in. When she walks in, you notice bags in her hands, small suitcases.

"Hey ummmm... why do you have suitcases in your hands?"

She turns around, her luscious blonde hair twirls behind her as she does.

"Oh you know... I'll be staying here for a while soo...."

You look at her with utter shock and confusion.

"Hold up! Whaaa....!?"

"Look I know this is short notice but, in case anything happens, I wanna be with you so... ummm...yeah!" She gives you a big bright smile and that makes you smile in return.

For now, you didn't feel like you were contacted by a creepy old man.


Hey guys, what's up in the club? Soo... I've been gone for a while... yeah. It's just that... I haven't been up to writing so I just kinda stopped but I'm still writing and I'm gonna keep writing.


Anyway, I plan to update on a schedule now.

(Drum roll please)

I'll see ya when I see ya, Bye and stay weird;)

~your girl Abi;)

Raphael's love- x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin