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You were walking down an alley at about 8:00 pm because you had to meet with a friend. As you were walking, you saw movement in the shadows and because you've never been to this alley before you were pretty scared.

"Hello? Who's there?"

There's complete silence after that so you keep moving forward. After a few minutes you see it again. This time you get really scared but not too scared to investigate.  As you investigate you catch a green muscular arm behind a dumpster. You jump back a little bit and try to extend your voice without being too loud,

"Hello? Who's there?"

You tremble as you walk toward the dumpster but before you approach it , you here a big, low, husky voice,

"What do you want?"
You jump as you hear his voice but you answer hesitantly, your voice shaking,

"I-I  just w-wanted to-"

"Look, if you're not gonna finish the sentence, we'll probably stay here for a year," he grunts.

At that point you get even more scared but you also have a sense of anger in you. Out of nowhere you get a sudden spout of bravery and exclaim,

"Well if you would come out from hiding then maybe I would be able to finish it!"

After that sentence, you immediately regret what you said and take a few steps back, just in case it's time for you to run. There's quietness before you hear that loud booming voice that teased you:

"You really don't want to see me."

You think about what to say after that.

" If I say that I  actually don't want to see him. He might get offended and do something but if I say I do, then, I don't know what I might be in for"

You contemplate what to say:

"Actually, I do want to see you."

You wait for a few seconds but no answer. You walk behind the dumpster and see no one. You sigh for a moment of relief then look at the time on your phone:

"Oh, crap it's almost 9:00!"

You run to your friends house so fast, you thought you lost all the thanksgiving weight you gained last month.

Raphael's love- x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن