Chapter Thirty Eight

Start from the beginning

Jacob stared at him with pursed lips, it had been 36 days since Kayla and Kaelen had left and he'd just now had the idea to place a warrant on them.  Pressing a few buttons on his hand held he reviewed the detainment order before sending it to every planet in and associated with The Alliance.

Sighing, Jacob stood up and stretched before walking to the balcony to look at the koi pond.  He glanced back toward Lucas. "I've been wondering," he started.

Lucas turned to stare at him, "About what?"

Leaning against the railing of the balcony he smirked, "How did you get Patricia pregnant?"

Lucas turned back to the table, "I'd think about Kayla and closed my eyes and hoped it would be over soon."  Chuckling he placed his hand held down, "How did you think I did it?"

Jacob shrugged, "I don't know.  I thought with her mouth gagged and the lights off."  Pushing off the balcony he walked toward his beeping hand held.  "You loath her," he continued as he read the confirmation that the order to detain was process and in effect.

Lucas cocked a brow at him, "I'm a man Jacob.  I can't stand the woman but my dick rose to the occasion without much trouble."

Sighing Jacob rubbed his head with an expression of disgust, "Ugh.  I think I would have broken her neck before being able to even attempt to have an heir with her.  My dick can't rise for stupidity."

Lucas stared blankly at his hand held listening to Jacob talk about Patricia.  He nodded and made humming noises but his mind was miles and miles away hoping the detainment order would flush out his prey.


Planet of Chikyu - 8 days later 16:00 

Kayla stared at the window on the 75th floor tired of being couped up in their rooms. Since their arrival they had been waiting for the mysterious contact to arrive with their new identification cards.

"Kae, can't we go out and do something today?" Kayla whined as she looked at all the buildings.  "Let's go to the museum or something."

Kaelen sighed exhausted from listening to her whine for the past 5 days, "We don't want to miss our contact Mia."

"I'm going stir crazy in these rooms Kae!"  She placed her hand to her head as she felt a wave of dizziness; when it passed she walked to the table.  "Have we received any new messages from Acadia or Joshua," she asked hopefully.

Kaelen raised his hand and called for the box, opening it he gazed inside.  There were several royals, a bracelet for Kayla and a letter.  Handing the bracelet and letter to Kayla he scowled at the royals, "Why do they keep sending more money," he asked as he counted the 30 royal notes.

Kayla chuckled as she watched him place them neatly back into the box before making it disappear, "Why do you keep sending it back?"  Unfolding the letter she began to read:

Dear Kayla and Kaelen,

I hope this ladder finds you in good health.  I know it hasn't been a month but hearing from you and knowing you two are safe brings a peace to my mind.  I know that communicating with you two so often is dangerous so I will limit my ladders to once a month.   Be safe, be happy, be healthy


Kayla flipped the letter over frowning at how short it was; just when she was about to whine again about being bored the doorbell of their rooms chimed.

Rising Kaelen walked to the door but no one was there, looking down he saw a brown envelop and picked it up.  Opening the envelope he smiled when two new identification cards fell out along with paper copies of their new backgrounds that had been uploaded into the Alliance system wide.

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