Chapter 16: Power problems.

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"You're just a little rusty." Logan assured him.

"You don't understand; it's not a matter of being rusty. I can flip the switches, I can turn the knobs, but my power comes from here, and it comes from here." Charles managed to get out, motioning towards his head and his heart. "And it's broken." He finally admitted.

Symphony half smiled and took a step back. "No it's not." She whispered.

"I feel like one of my students." Charles told them spitefully, turning his chair around to head back out. "Helpless." He growled. "It was a mistake coming down here, it was a mistake freeing Erik, this whole thing was a mistake! It has been one big mistake!" Charles said as he started heading for the door. "I'm sorry Logan, but they sent back the wrong man." He informed Logan.

Logan nodded and turned. "You're right." He answered, causing Charles to stop in front of the door. "I am." He turned with his hands thrown in the air. "Actually it was supposed to be you." He informed Charles, walking towards him. "But I was the only one who could physically make the trip, and uh, I don't know how long I've got here." He said, coming to a stop in front of Charles, looking down at him. "But I do know, that a long time ago, actually, a long time from now," he corrected, leaning forward to place his hands on the arms of Charles' chair, causing Charles some discomfort. "I was your most helpless student, and you unlocked my mind. You showed me what I was, you showed me what I could be." Logan went on. "I don't know how to do that for you; you're right, I don't, but I know someone who might."

Symphony smiled, knowing that Logan meant Charles in the future. She wondered what he was going to be like in the future, especially without her.

She was determined to live, so that Charles wouldn't have to be alone.

Charles shuddered a little, knowing what Logan was going to ask.

"Look into my mind." Logan instructed him.

Charles looked at him questioningly. "You saw what I did to Cerebro." He prodded. "You don't want me inside your head."

Logan nodded. "There's no damage you can do that hasn't already been done. Trust me. C'mon." He encouraged.

Charles thought for a moment, before raising his hand, placing his fingertips on Logan's temple, and connecting with his mind, and seeing the emotional and physical pain Logan had been through.

Symphony watched from where she stood, knowing she didn't want to be in either mind right now as Charles shook his head.

"You poor, poor man." He said sadly.

"The past me." Logan assured him.

Charles continued shaking his head. "No, I don't want your suffering, I don't want your future!" He cried exasperatedly.

"The past me. Look into my future." Logan instructed, pulling Charles back into attention. "Look for your future." He said.

Charles concentrated, doing as he was told, now using both hands.

"That's it." Logan whispered. "That's it. That's it." He repeated, feeling Charles shifting through his mind.

Symphony looked on, patiently waiting as she watched the two men, not even tempted to go into Charles' mind, or Logan's, as they shared this moment.

Eventually, Charles leaned back, a change coming over him.

Logan saw the change. "Find what you were looking for?" He asked, just before the lights turned back on, signalling Hank's return.

Logan stood and moved away from Charles, leaving him to sit there quietly, thinking about what he'd seen.

We need you to hope again. The words played through his mind. Find your hope. She should be there with you. Cherish her while she's there.

Charles looked over at Symphony with a small smile, feeling his hope slowly return as Hank walked in.

"Power's back on." Hank informed them.

"Yes." Charles answered, directing the word more towards Logan than towards Hank, making Logan smile.

"Yes it is." He finally acknowledged, referring more to his own power than Cerebro's power as he looked back over at Symphony.

He didn't know what his future self had meant, but he had a feeling that he needed to not ignore her as much as he had been lately. Now that his mind was clear, he was starting to realize just how badly he had been hurting her. Now he knew he might lose her.

What is it? Symphony asked, cocking her head with a small smile.

Charles shook his head, smiling back sadly, before turning and wheeling back towards Cerebro. Just something I told myself. He answered plainly.

Symphony hoped that the future Charles hadn't told this Charles about the child yet. She really wanted to wait until this ordeal was over.

Charles put the helmet back on, heading back into the fray of minds in the world.

Symphony knew then, that Charles, her Charles, was back, and that the only real power problems left here, were hers.  

X-Men First Class: The Fox's WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang