Chapter 13: The visitor.

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Symphony sighed, noticing the car outside the mansion as she jumped out of her own blue car.

It had become a regular thing for her, to wrap her tail around her body and flatten her ears back so she could go out to do some shopping, ever since Charles had started the slide back downhill, living mostly on whatever she made him eat, plus whatever he happened to have stashed around the mansion.

Hank had decided that it would be best if he stayed with Charles, and that Symphony went shopping, so that they could try to avoid fights over the serum, and the reasons why Charles was taking it now.

She hated that serum now, and hate was not too strong a word.

Walking through the door, Symphony uncurled her cramped tail, and let her ears spring up out of her hair, making a mild mess of it.

What she saw when she walked in, was the last thing she'd expected, even though she'd known that this was the day the Wolverine was supposed to show up.

"Hank! What the- ge- wha-jus-... GET DOWN FROM THERE!" She yelled exasperatedly with a strong accent, making Hank and Wolverine look at her in surprise.

"Hank!" She heard Charles call as he started coming down the stairs, still dressed in his jim jams, and wearing a bathrobe over them, while carrying an almost empty glass in his left hand. "What's going on here?" He asked.

Once he came around the corner, Symphony could see that he wasn't pleased over having his sleep disturbed.

"Professor!" Wolverine greeted, half sitting up.

Charles grimaced. "Please don't call me that." He answered.

I've been expecting you Logan. Symphony whispered inside Wolverine's head, placing her groceries down.

"You know this guy?" Hank asked, still hanging from the chandelier.

"Ye-He looks... S-slightly familiar." Charles answered.

"Hank, get off the chandelier." Charles sighed as he sat down tiredly on the stairs, still holding his cup.

Symphony was severely tempted to guide him to a sink so she could wash his hair and give him a haircut.

"You can walk." Logan observed, still laying on the table.

Charles nodded. "Very perceptive you are." He answered in sarcasm, not even taking note that his wife was still standing with bags of groceries in her arms.

"I thought you wer-" Logan started, still laying down.

"I find it rather perplexing that you missed our sign on your way in; this is private property my friend. I'm going to have to ask... Him, to ask you to leave." Charles retorted as Logan slowly stood.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't do that," Logan started, "because uh, because I was sent here for you."

"Well tell whoever it was that sent you, that I'm busy." Charles told him, shaking his head.

Logan half smiled, and Symphony frowned, knowing what was coming next. "That's going to be a little tricky, because the person who sent me, was you." Logan explained promptly.

Symphony bit her lip, trying not to smirk at Charles' reaction.

"What?" He questioned a little daftly.

"About 50 years from now." Came the quick response.

Charles grinned. "Fifty years from now? Like, fifty years in the future from now?"


"I sent you from the future?"


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