Chapter 14: Jailbreak.

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"Stop here." Hank instructed as Logan and Charles laughed about something.

Symphony growled as the car came to a sudden halt.

She hated when Charles drove like that, especially when he would stop with a jerk, causing her to hit her head as she slid off the seat.

"I like driving so don't get used to it." Logan commented as he and Hank got out of the car, leaving Charles to pick Symphony up off the floor and let her out as well. "Sorry Love." He whispered as she glared at him wearily.

With that, they headed up the walk towards Quicksilver's home.

Logan knocked on the door and a lovely woman came to the door. "What's he done now?" She asked nervously. "I'll just write a cheque for whatever he took?" She offered.

Symphony licked her nose with a slow blink as she sat near Logan's shoe.

"We just need to talk to him if that's alright." Logan assured the woman.

The woman nodded and let the three men and the fox inside. "Peter." She called out. "The cops are here.. Again..." She sighed.

The group of four traipsed their way down into the basement, where they found a silver haired youth playing ping pong with himself.

Symphony took careful notice of the obviously stolen tech and snacks surrounding them.

"Hey guess what!" He started as Logan walked into the room. "I didn't do anything! I've been here all day." He said, giving up on the game and sitting on the sofa, making the group turn to see him, since he moved so fast.

"Just relax Peter, we're not cops." Logan assured the boy.

Peter didn't look tense at all. If anything he seemed overly comfortable with the situation. "Of course you're not cops. If you were cops you wouldn't be driving a rental car." He told him with ease.

"How did you know it was a rental?" Charles asked in surprise.

"I checked the registration when you walked in the door." Peter answered, stunning the lot before him.

"I had some free time so I went and found your rental agreement, so you're from out of town... Are you FBI?" He asked, before moving super fast and grabbing someone's wallet.

"Nope you're not a cop; you're with a sketchy tutor's place." Peter answered his own question, as Charles turned, revealing that it was his wallet that Peter had grabbed.

"That's an old card." He admitted as he irritatedly grabbed his stuff.

Hank grinned eagerly. "Well he's fascinating!" He said.

Charles sighed and shoved his card back into his wallet. "He's a pain in the butt." He informed Hank stubbornly.

"He a teleporter?" Hank asked, extremely curious.

"No, he's just fast." Logan told him, putting his hands on his hips. "From what I know, he was when he was young."

"Young?" Peter asked, now behind them again, eating a popsicle. "You're just old." He informed them, causing everyone to turn to face him.

"So you're not afraid to show your powers?" Hank observed, making Peter look up from his snack.

"Powers, what powers, what're you talking about?" Peter asked, talking just as fast as he moved, making Symphony growl.

First she was called old, now she was feeling slow.

Absolutely stunning form.

"I do something strange here?" Peter asked, testing the men, who looked like they were struggling to keep up with how fast he was talking.

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