Our First Mission

Start from the beginning

Alex looked at her reflection in a mirror. Staring back at her was herself in a white tank top with a gold star in the middle under her regular red jacket, a black choker with star-shaped gems around it, black jeans and tan boots. "Rarity, what did you do to my jacket exactly?"

"Why don't you turn around and look at the mirror?" Rarity said.

Alex obeyed, turning around and looking at the mirror. The Delta Rune was on her back. "Oh. I see what you done there."

"Thank you." Rarity turned around, finding Petra and Toriel at the door. "Oh! Great that you two are here. What do you think?"

"I think it's lovely." Toriel said looking at the humans' clothes.

"Something is missing." Petra walked into the room and up to Jonas, pulling out a green folded bandana with the Delta Rune from her pocket as she tied it around his neck. "There. That's better."

"Uh, thanks?" Jonas said.

"You all better hurry." Toriel reminded the young humans. "The others are waiting for all of you."

With wide eyes, the humans grabbed their weapons and ran out of the room. They finally reached the exit of Delta Number 9 and ran all the way to the ship, where Weiss, Undyne, Pinkie, Lukas, Yang, Applejack, Sans, two gems named Amethyst and Peridot, and a blue ninja named Jay were waiting for them. They won't be the only ones who were going to Remnant to fight off that giant robot. They will be going along with Alphys, who has a giant robot herself, and a Whisperer named Fluttershy, who rides a large purple owl she calls Kuro. Right now, they are on the ship on their way to Remnant, and the humans were nervous.

"Hey. You alright there?" Applejack, a girl in a white shirt, blue jeans, cowgirl boots, silver gauntlets and a brown hat with the Delta Rune on it asked. "You guys haven't said anything ever since we got on this ship."

The humans remained silent.

"Hello. Earth to newbies." Yang, a girl with blonde hair in an orange tank top under a long tan coat with orange lining, black pants with a belt, brown combat boots, black finger-less gloves under gold gauntlets and a metal arm said, getting the humans' eyes. "Nervous?"

"Yeah. It's just..." Alex sighed. "My friends and I, we never done something like this before. Going to a city to fight a giant robot. It's like nothing related to what we did."

Lukas, currently in an orange shirt under a gray jacket, black pants and gray boots, finger-less gloves with the Delta Rune, and a pair of goggles, chuckled. "I got the same feeling you guys have on my first mission. We had to go all the way to the Crystal Empire to fight off bandits, and I just went out there and did it. When that mission was accomplished, I thought to myself 'It was worth it'."

"Good for you, I think." Nona said, earning a chuckle from Sans.

"Hey, punks." Undyne said getting the humans' attention. "Sorry for almost getting you guys into trouble when we were training."

"Undyne, what are you talking about?" Alex replied. "You don't have to be sorry for what happened out there."

"Plus, do us a favor and don't throw any more spears at us." Jonas added. "You almost skewered us with those."

"Yeah. Sorry." Undyne scratched the back of her head.

Ren turned to Peridot, a short Gem with green skin, a green gem on her forehead and pale yellow-green hair in a dark green bodysuit with green boots and a clear green pair of visor glasses. The short Gem was glaring at him and the others. "So, what's the deal with this little Gem over here?"

"Peridot has a thing about new people." Weiss said. "She once told me she doesn't fully trust them unless they do something unthinkable."

"Is that so?" Clarissa replied, looking at Peridot.

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