What Makes You Beautiful. part 15

Start from the beginning

"Well, there not bad looking but yet they've been on there own all evening" she started "and plus, plenty of girls have been up to them but they don't stay for long"

"Do you always have to be so smart" I asked her sarcastically.

"Anyway! Should we go up to them, maybe they know where nicole is?" Taylor asked, she was right, I hadn't seen nicole in a while.

"Yeah sure, let's go" I said to them heading over to the group of boys leaning on the side of the bar.

~Laura's View~

Me and the girls were having an amazing night despite how much we missed the boys being around. We here having a girly laugh which was good seen as we hadn't really spent much time together since we met the boys. Just as the song we were dancing to finished 'WMYB' came on. we all looked at each other and screamed.

"OH MY GOD!" Hannah yelled dancing like a mad women, I think louis was rubbing off on her.

"IM GOING OUT WITH HIM!" Becca screamed when Liam sang.

"OH MY GOD, THIS IS OUR BOYS!" Abbie yelled trying to do this weird dance, she wasn't very well.

"OH MY DAYS THAT MY BOY!" I yelled when it came to harrys solo. After the song finished we were all shattered so we hobbled over to the bar to order another drink. My feet were killing me, I don't know about there's!

"God my feet are killing me!" I yelped our as I walked to the bar stool and plumped myself down on it.

"Mine to, I swear they've dug holes into my feet!" Becca said jumping onto the chair next to me. Hannah and Abbie picked up chairs and dragged them to where we were sitting. I pulled out my phone out of my bag just on the off chance that harry had text me. My face lit up when it turned out he actually did text me.

'hey babe, i hope your having a good night so far. i bet you look gorgeous and i can't wait to see you tomorrow. miss you already, harry xxx'

Awh he was so sweet! I quickly replied:

'hiya harry! yeah were having a laugh, hope you boys are and your behaving;) haha! Thank you:') neither can I, ill look forward to it! miss you too! laura xxx'

I couldn't stop re-reading the text and the girls must have noticed my smiling.

"What are you grinning at?" Hannah asked me poking me in the ribs.

"Its got to be harry" abbie said joking around.

"Look what he said!" I said as I gave them my phone, they passed it around until they'd all read it.

"Awh!" Becca said cooing making puppy dog faces.

"He's so sweet!" Hannah said poking me again.

"OW!" I yelped, making all of us laugh uncontrollably.

~Liam's View~

The rest of the lads were drinking as normal, but also as normal I was not. We all stood leaning against the bar occasionally chatting amongst ourselves. Some girls came and spoke to us asking us to dance now and again but we politely said no, as we had girlfriends. All of our eyes were scanning the room trying to find zayn and that girl he danced off with, whatever her name was. But unfortunately we couldn't find them. we thought ringing him would be pointless as it was really loud in here and he couldn't possibly hear his phone if it went off.

After a while longer just standing at the bar listening to the music another group of girls came over to us, there were 3 of them. One of the girls had lovely tanned skin and dirty blonde hair, another had tanned skin once again and extremely long brown hair and the last one had much paler skin and browny/blonde hair.

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