He got on his hands and knees before his bones broke and cracked easily into his bear's natural form.

I, on the other hand, stayed in my human form. Sometimes, my animal forms slow me down.

"Even as a human it would be too easy! Save yourself the embarrassment and back down! Submit!" I yelled, it was for his own good.

He roared devilishly and slashed out at my side. I quickly turned out of the way and grabbed his arm. I gripped it tightly and pulled him towards me before throwing him above and behind me.

His back hit the limestone wall and dented the limestone.

"Damn! That's some strong limestone!" I exclaimed, in shock for a couple seconds before I was ripped into reality by my aura, who was trying to take control.

I never get to have fun! She whined.

Oh shut up!

The Alpha bear ran on all fours to attack me, but I jumped over him and landed on the wall like spider man would do in all his movies and shows.{I LOVE superheroes! Spider-Man's the frickin bomb!💟}

He growled and stood up on his two legs to try and grab me and drag me down.

Let's just say; it didn't work.

It backfired at him. And it probably hurt him.

A lot!

He ended up in the hospital after I jumped up, smashed onto his head, pushed him into the hard wall, and flipped off him.

I thought it was pretty awesome-and so did Selena and Aiden. But the Alpha couple didn't agree.


"You could have killed him!" The Alpha Female yelled at me.

We had taken the unconscious Alpha to the pack's infirmary and we were waiting in the room for the pack doctor when she started to yell at me.

"But I didn't." I defended myself.

"You could've left me without a mate! A husband!"

"But I didn't."

"You could have left me with his dead body!" She whined while squeezing her mate's hand, trying to awake him from his sleep.

"But she didn't!" Aiden answered for me.

I turned to him and laughed.

"Nice!" I said and high-fived him.

The Alpha Female growled at me,"Just get out, please. I'd like to be alone with my mate. Thank you for helping me bring him here, but I don't think he would be pleased to wake up to find his attacker in the same room as him."

I growled after walking out of the infirmary,"I was not the attacker! He attacked me! That bitch! She should be afraid of me! What the hell is wrong with these people! I'm a frickin beast!"

"Well they may not show they're fear, but the rest of the pack respects and fears you. Look at their expressions. They're straining their faces. They don't want to submit, but they are. Technically, you are the only daughter of the Moon Goddess and Mother Earth. After knowing that, I don't know why they wouldn't show submission to you." Aiden told me as he and Selena lead me to my room.

"He's right you know," Selena told me after Aiden left us to talk in my room,"they do realize who you are now. They may not like you, but they respect you. And isn't that what you want?"

I want them to look at me, in the eyes, with respect. I don't want them to force themselves to give me respect. It's just so different.

But I didn't tell her that.

"Yeah, that's true."

"I think you need some sleep. I don't want my friend to be grouchy in the morning! So I'll leave you to that!" She said as she walked out the door.

"Good night!" She said to me as she walked down the hall.

"Night." I whispered to no one in particular.

I took off my clothes and left my body nearly naked except for my lingerie.

I crept onto the bed and rested my head on the pillow to fall asleep.


So how was it? Please tell me! I appreciate all opinions, good and bad.

200 more reads and 10 more votes for me to post the next chapter.




Love y'all,



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