Hi! I'm an inportant A/N

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Yes well, I just wanted to give u some happy news! If any of you want it then I can have a QNA with any of my caracters from any of my books! Are u happy...? I AM! I'd love to try this, wouldn't you Aysel?
Aysel: Yes!!!
Me: Perce?
Percy: Yeah!
Me: Nico?
Nico: ...well...
Me: Nico?!
Nico: Yes! Very excited! (Ironic)
Percy: Still wanna know what u mean about not my type...
Nico: ...uhm
Percy: Ha! You aint got an answer!
Nico: You try beeing like that to me? Celp for brains?
Percy: Try me death breath.
Nico: *gets Will*
Percy: Why did u -
Will: Stay away from my sceleton, or I'll get Annabeth!
Percy: *Backes up silently*
Will: *kisses Nico's cheek*
Nico: *Blushes*
Me: ...Will u're not in any of my stories.
Will: Yet.
Me: ...
Will: ...
Nico: ...
Dog: *tingeling with keys*
Will: A dog?
Me: The one from Pirates of the carribean.
Will: Why?
Me: Idk
Nico: He's probobly here 4 the same reason as u Will.
Annabeth: Future story.
Me: Probobly.
Jack Sparrow: Drink up me hearties, joho!
Me: Are you drunk?
Jack: N *hiccup* o.
Me: ...
Jack: *singing* A litt'le bit of RUM!
Me: Why are u here?
Jack: I do not know... *looking around in the very white room*
Will: Where are we?
Me: My brain.
Jack: And why is it white?
Me: Because my brain is empty for ideas...
Jack: I see a bit of red... and more... and more... and more...
Me: ...I have headake... a lot of it, and idk why I'm still writing. So I gues I'll just say goodb - what are you doing?
Jack: *waving*
Me: Jack?
Jack: Captain thank you very much.
Me: Captain Jack?
Jack: *still waving* I'm waving at a possibility as it passes by.
Me: What one was it?
Jack: Yours... the one on finishing this stuff.
Me: ...
Jack: ...
Me: ...
Jack: ...
Me: .. - we're done, stop it now, BYE!

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