Chapter 21 - Walt

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"Land ahoy!" Walt yelled from his position in the lookout.

The city of Yithion spread out below them. It was a peninsula, a small piece of land that would have been an island if not for the narrow strip of land connecting it to the rest of Greece. The houses were colourful and would look out of place anywhere else, but in Yithion, with its white beaches and sparkling green seas, it looked perfect.

"We aren't pirates, Walt!" Sadie yelled from the wheel, where she was taking over for Leo as he rushed around checking ropes and getting cannons ready.

"What's that? Talking back? You're scrubbing the deck later, missy!" Walt enjoyed teasing Sadie. Her reaction was priceless and always made him laugh.

Sure enough, when she stuck her tongue out at him, he started laughing so hard, he had to sit down for a moment. When he got up, he saw Sadie trying hard not to crack a smile.

The rest of the crew piled on deck from their positions. Walt climbed down and joined them.

"Okay, so what's the game plan, Annabeth?" Walt asked.

"I think we should split up," Annabeth suggested. "We can cover more ground that way. Besides, a quest requires three people, right? So if there are twelve of us, and we split into groups of three, how many groups are there, Percy?"

"Don't make me do math in the summer!" Percy whined.

"Four, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth sympathized. "There are four groups."

"Okay, so three go into Yithion, and one stays to guard the ship," Piper suggested.

"Who wants to stay back?" Annabeth asked.

"I'll stay," Jaz offered. "I'm not good with combat magic."

 "Me, too," Leo volunteered. "I made the ship and I know how to use it. It only makes sense."

"Okay, so that's two," Jason said. "Who else?"

"I think you should stay back, Annabeth," Percy said nervously. "You should rest after yesterday." The two had a staring contest, but Percy refused to back down. Finally, Annabeth gave in.

"Okay," she sighed. "Then the groups should be Percy, Hazel, and Zia for the first group, Piper, Frank, and Carter for the second group, and finally, Walt, Sadie, and Jason. Any protests?" Nobody said anything. Either they thought the groups were good, or they didn't want to critisize the plans of a girl with a drakon bone sword.

"Okay, so that's settled," Annabeth said. "Meet back here for lunch."


They didn't have to look very far.

After walking about a mile, Jason said, "Guys, I need to go to the washroom."

They were in the middle of a wide open field without a building in sight, let alone a bush.

"Over there," Sadie said, pointing to a hill where a small barn and farmhouse sat.

The trio ran up the hill and stopped on the house porch. Walt knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He knocked again and the door creaked open.

"I guess we can go right in," Walt said.

"I'll be right back," Jason assured, walking in with his gladius held in front of him.

A few minutes later, they heard a crash and rushed in. They found Jason in the hallway lifting a coatrack.

"I knocked it over," he said, embarrassed.

Sadie and Walt sighed in relief. There was another crash, this one coming from outside, in the barn.

"You think-" Walt started. The others nodded.

They ran to the barn and threw their backs to the wall, just out of sight of the windows. Walt lifted a finger to his lips, motioning for them to be quiet. Slowly they crept around the wall to the door. Sadie mouthed one, two, three. . .

They burst through the door, only to find an empty barn with a few haybales here and there and a second floor hayloft.

Jason seemed shocked. "What-"

Everything was clear when the cage fell on them.


DUN DUN DUN! *insert creepy music* Will the Walt, Sadie, and Jason get out? Or will the giants take them to Athens? You'll have to wait. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

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