Chapter 10 - Frank

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Frank loved the foremast. It was one of the few places he and Hazel could have some quality time.

Nico di Angelo spent a lot of time alone in the little lookout when he flew with the crew. Now he was escorting Reyna, Coach Hedge, and the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood, leaving the foremast free for Frank.

It was July 24 - 8 days until Gaea's planned wake-up party. 8 days until the war was over, one way or another.

Hazel and Frank had just gotten back from visiting Jason and were leaning on the railing of the lookout while Hazel took her turn on deck.

"What do you think of the magicians?" Frank asked all of a sudden.

The question seemed to take Hazel by surprise. "Well, they seem pretty nice. And Percy seems to trust them."

"Percy trusts everyone," Frank argued. "Didn't he trust Medusa for a bit?"

"Yes, I know Percy has a trusting problem-"

"That's not his only problem," Frank grumbled.

"-but that's not what I'm getting at," Hazel scowled. "It's nice to have a few more crew members for the most dangerous trip of the quest, but I wouldn't trust them with my life. Not yet, anyways. I'd like to get to know them better before the final battle."

Frank nodded. He'd been feeling the same way. What Carter had told them didn't really explain who he was, just what he'd done.

Frank put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the only thing in there - the praetor badge Jason had given to him the night the Athena Parthenos left with Coach Hedge, Reyna and Nico. He was still shocked to be of such high authority even six days after his promotion. It seemed like a dream. He was sure any moment he would wake up in his bed with only his centurion badge on his night stand.

Hazel noticed him fiddling with his badge. "Still shocked?"

Frank sighed. "If we survive this war, it will be so different. I mean, a month ago, I was on probatio, and now I'm praetor." He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the fireproof bag that held his lifeline. "I probably won't survive, anyways.

"Are you seriously thinking about what Thanatos said about how you'll die?" Hazel asked.

Frank just stared at the piece of firewood. Just an ordinary chunk of wood, yet it could cause a lot of damage.

"Frank, stop worrying about death!" Hazel exclaimed. "Forget about what Thanatos said! If you don't like the destiny you've been given, then change it! Prove Thanatos and the rest of the gods wrong!"

(A/N: Remember in the Sea of Monsters movie? :{D)

Frank liked Hazel's concern, but he wasn't sure about what she'd said. You couldn't change fate, right?

He stared at a random point in the fog, not eager to continue the conversation.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a dark shape gliding through the fog. Looking closely, he noticed the shape resembled a ship. Then the shape disappeared again in the thick fog.

"Frank?" Hazel asked, but her voice seemed distant. "What's wrong?"

Frank tensed. "Sound the alarm." His body was working faster than his mind. His instincts screamed, "Attack!" while his mind was still processing what was happening.

Hazel knew to act first and ask questions later. Just as the alarms started ringing, the enemy ship fired their first cannon.


So, what do you think? Sorry it's short. The next chapter, which will be from Walt's perspective, will hopefully be longer.

15 days until Christmas!!!!! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!

We have 500 reads! Yay! Halfway there! thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou......

Seriously, you guys are amazing.

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