Chapter 13 - Reyna

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Reyna was close to stuffing Octavian into a cannon and shooting him into Tartarus before she even got to talk to him. Afterwards, she had to use all her strength to hold herself back.

She was sitting in what the Greeks call 'The Big House'. The heads of the cabins at Camp Half-Blood and the senators and centurions from Camp Jupiter, which included Reyna and Octavian, had gathered to discuss transportation to Greece for the third time.

As Chiron rose to speak, Reyna found herself thinking about what events had led up to this.


 "Come on, Nico! One more time, to Long Island!" Reyna's voice was hoarse and tired from fighting monsters and lack of sleep.

A growl to the left of Reyna made her turn. The shadows in the alley were dark enough to conceal large things, such as the Athena Parthenos. Although it was midnight, the streets were chaotic. Reyna had heard about Boston being busy, but she'd never imagined it like this in the middle of the night.

A hellhound jumped out of the shadows, an empousa on its back. The closer they got to Camp Half-Blood, the more monsters seemed to attack them.

Thr hellhound stepped toward the group. "WOAH!" Coach Hedge yelled. "DO YOU NOT SEE THE WEAPON IN MY HANDS! COWER IN FEAR!"

The hellhound did exactly the opposite. It leapt at the coach, who swung his baseballbat. The bat hit the hound hard in the face. The hellhound bucked the demon off like a horse and ran into the chaotic streets, whimpering in fear.

"YEAH!" Coach Hedge yelled, pumping his fists. "I'M THE BOSS!"

The empousa dove at Hedge. "The boss" leapt out of the way, screaming like a 5-year-old.

Next, the empousa decided that Nico would be an easy meal, since he could barely lift his sword from all the shadow travelling. She lunged at him and he dove to the side leaning on Athena's heels.

Reyna stepped in between the demon and Nico, her Imperial golden dagger held in front of her flashing dangerously.

Obviously, the empousa wasn't the brightest star in the sky. She dove at Reyna, teeth bared. In a matter of seconds, Reyna had reduced her to a pile of gold dust lying on the pavement. 

"Well," she said flatly, "now that that matter's taken care of, I believe we have somewhere to be? Nico, whenever you're ready."

Nico took a deep breath. "I'm ready," he said, slipping his arms through the rope loops.

"Are you surre?" Reyna asked concerned. He'd just shadow traveled from Ottawa, Ontario, which was quite a big leap.

"I'm sure," he said. "The longer we wait, the more lives are lost."

Coach Hedge cleared his throat impatiently. "Are we done talking? 'Cause we kinda have somewhere to go."

Reyna and Hedge each took a rope on either side of Nico. Then they pulled the statue into the darker shadows and everything melted into darkness.

All at once, Reyna had the urge to pull out her knife and stab everything within a metre of her (A/N: I apologize for my use of the metric system: I'm Canadian so it comes naturally). There were noises all around her, growling and snarling. Cold shivers went up her spine, making her feel like a monster was breathing down her back.

All at once, the darkness faded to show a hill with a pine tree on top. Reyna recognised it as Half-Blood Hill from her scouting trips. Camp Half-Blood was just over the hill. Even from hundreds of metres away, they could here the yelling and clashing of swords. There was a cry of pain, then terrible wailing, as if someone was mourning the loss of a loved one.

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