Chapter 20 - Percy

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Usually demigod dreams annoyed Percy more than scared him.

With this dream, he was worried out of his mind.

He was standing in a temple. There were grand white pillars around him. In the center of the large temple was a bronze offering plate, shining, polished, and empty. The temple was otherwise empty, with the exception of the two people fighting in the corner of the room.

One of the figures was a giant. He was terribly gruesome, with yellow, jagged teeth and bloodshot eyes. Percy recognised him from Leo, Jason, and Piper's descriptions as Enceladus, one of the giants who they supposedly would be facing in the final battle. Then the other person. . .

Percy breathed in sharply. It was Annabeth. She was doing well, but he could see that she was growing more tired with every strike.

It all happened in a second. Annabeth let her guard down for a moment, and the giant took that moment to strike. His spear hit her right in the chest, its point jutting out the other end. Annabeth fell to the ground, not moving.

Percy tried to run to her, but his feet wouldn't move. He tried yelling to her, but his voice didn't work. All he could do was watch as more blood streamed out of his girlfriend's wound.

Just when he was about to break down, Annabeth and Enceladus shimmered and disappeared. Standing in front of Percy was the Queen of dirt herself.

"Gaea," Percy spat.

My little pawn, Gaea cooed. Are you troubled by what you just saw? Scared? Worried?

Percy didn't answer. He knew that she was trying to play him, but it was like she'd read his mind.

Yes, Gaea muttered, studying him with her eyes closed. I think you will listen to my offer.

"What offer?"

You can prevent Annabeth Chase from dying. I can spare her from the death and pain she will experience if you refuse my offer. I can protect the one you love for a small price.

"And that price is?"

You're life, of course! Gaea beamed. It's not that difficult, all you must do is when you reach Athens, seek out the caves. One of my children will be there, ready to spill your blood on the earth.

Now wake up my pawn, and think about my offer. The next time we speak, I will not give you time.

The temple and Gaea disappeared, and Percy was falling into darkness.

He sat up in his bed feeling like he was freefalling. It was light in his room, making it apparent that it was morning. He could hear laghter and talking coming from outside, but Percy had no intention of joining his friends. No, his dream of Annabeth dying had scared him. But the part about Annabeth dying wasn't what scared him the most.

What scared him the most was the fact that he was considering Gaea's offer.


Yo, what's up my amazing readers? This chapter was 488 words, so I don't think I did too badly. The next chapter will be from Walt's perspective, and there will be a little bit of action towards the end. Of course, not as much action as the following chapter, Jason's chapter, will have, but I'll stop talking now. *pulls mouth zipper closed*

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-mmm*unzips mouth zipper* Okay, so maybe a mouth zipper isn't such a great idea, especially if you lock the zipper and throw away the key. Good thing I didn't lock it!

Okay, enough about mouth zippers. I have a special surprise. Everybody, please welcome to the stage your favourite demigod, Percy Jackson!

*Nobody walks on*

I said, Percy Jackson!

*Still nobody walks on*

Get your lazy butt out here, Percy!

*Percy stumbles on, obviously shoved by Annabeth*

Percy: Why do I have to do this?

Me: Because I'm the writer, and whatever I write goes.

Percy: That would be why I don't suggest being a fictional character. You could end up dying painfully a million times over.

Me: Yep! But I suggest being a writer! You can imagine whatever you want, and you are comepletely in control of the characters, so you can put them through whatever torture you imagine!

Percy: speaking of writers, why is my chapter so depressing? You promised me a happy chapter with rainbows and ponies!

Me: If you want, I can put a pony that releases brownies in your room.

Percy: That would be great!

Me: Just kidding. The great thing about being a writer is that you can lie to your characters all the time and they can't touch you if you know they're coming for you! You just write them a new desire! See, watch!

Percy: Don't you dare- *walks up to me and tries to punch me, but turns around and slaps himself in the face repetetively*

Me: See?

Percy: How *slap* do you *slap* make *slap* this *slap* STOP!

Me: Behold, the glories of being a writer.

The Blood of OlympusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora