Chapter 15 - Carter

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"Hey, Leo!" Sadie yelled. "Where's the pizza?"

Everyone, with the exception of Piper and Jason, was sitting on a wool blanket on the deck for an 'awesome picnic supper', as Leo put it. The sun was setting and the water stretched out on all sides, with only one island in sight.

There was some clanging of pots, and Leo climbed up the stairs, carrying a large pizza and wearing an apron that read Kiss the Cook.

(A/N: Watching the Lightning Thief right now. "Woah! You're half donkey?!")

"Here you go!" Leo said cheerfully, placing the pizza in the middle of the blanket. "Enjoy! Oh, and leave the cheese pizza. That's for Piper."

Footsteps pounded up the stairs and Jason and Piper walked up, arm in arm. Jason was looking much better. He had more colour andf he only had a slight sway in his walk.

"Hey guys," he greeted. "Did someone say pizza?"


They were all laughing and having a good time, so, naturally, something had to ruin it.

After finishing the pizza (and trying to get Leo to make more), they started talking and getting to know each other. Sadie told many of Carter's embarrassing stories, so Carter told all of Sadie's, which there weren't a lot of. Carter ended up with a red face and throbbing shoulder.

Shockingly, Hazel was not from this era. She reluctantly told them about her life before dying and her time in the Underworld.

Frank's mother had died fighting in a war in Afghanistan and his life depended on a stick the size of a chocolate bar. Luckily, he had a fireproof bag to protect his lifeline.

Leo's mother had died in a fire caused by Gaea when he was seven. This information only made Carter want to beat her even more. He was also the first fire user to exsist since four hundred years ago.

Jason had grown up at Camp Jupiter since Hera had brought him there when he was two. He had an older sister named Thalia who was a Hunter of Artemis, Artemis' lieutenant, and his mother was a television actress who died from drinking and driving.

Annabeth had gone to Camp Half-Blood since she was seven and had practically grown up there. She had a rocky relationship with her family, but was spending more time with her dad.

Piper's father was Tristan Mclean (much to Zia's delight). She'd gone to school at boarding schools  and used her charmspeak to steal items to get her father's attention.

Out of all the demigods' lives, Percy's was probably the best. Sure, he'd had to put up with a lousy stepfather until he was twelve, but now he had a great stepfather and a loving mother.

The magicians also shared their stories. Zia told them about her villiage before it was destroyed and her time at the First Nome before Carter and Sadie came along and destroyed her peace and tranquility. Carter and Sadie explained their mother's death and their seperation while Jaz and Walt told of their semi-normal lives before joining Brooklyn House.

Annabeth had just told the riddle that the sphinx was famous for giving when Carter noticed something.

"Hey, guys," Carter started, "why is the island getting closer? Shouldn't we be going away from it?"

Everyone looked to the left of the ship, to the island, and noticed the Argo II slowly drifting towards the island, as if caught in a current.

Leo tried to steer the ship in the opposite direction, but it just kept drifting. Percy put his hands up, his face twisted with concentration, and the ship stopped, but didn't float away. Finally, he put his hands down and the ship continued its drifting.

"Can't move it," he muttered. "Another force is working against me."

"Right you are, little brother," a voice said cheerfully. A man and a dozen guards solidified on deck, a few metres from the demigods and magicians. The man had curly black hair and cold green eyes. He clapped his hands, and the guards surged forward, each of them grabbing on of the crew members.

Jason gritted his teeth. "Periclymenus."

The man, Periclymenus, turned to Jason and smiled. "Son of Jupiter. So nice to see you again so soon," he said, as if they were old friends.

He turned to the man who was holding Annabeth. "Bring her forward." The guard pushed her forward and she stumbled. "Careful!" Periclymenus screeched.

The guard loosened his grip on her. Annabeth whirled out of his grip, stabbed him in the shoulder with her knife, and shoved him into the water. She turned on Periclymenus, but he simply grabbed her wrist. He studied her, then lifted his hand towards her face.

"Don't touch her!" Percy shouted. He was struggling against the guard that was holding him, but wasn't having much luck. The guard was at least a foot taller, and much stronger.

Periclymenus laughed. "And what will you do?" He stroked Annabeth's cheek, causing her to recoil, her face showing her disgust. "Beautiful," Periclymenus muttered. "A lovely prize."

He turned to the rest of the crew. "Come near the island, I will have no choice but to destroy your ship. You can leave unharmed, but that would mean leaving behind my darling."

"Your darling?" Carter repeated, then it all clicked. Periclymenus wanted Annabeth.

Periclymenus smiled, as if reading Carter's mind. "Yes, Carter Kane. Now, I'm afraid I have to leave. Remember my warning." With that, he disappeared, along with his guards and Annabeth.


Dun, dun, dun! Sorry for leaving it off on a cliffhanger, but the next part absolutely has to be from Annabeth's perspective. I'm still putting the finishing touches on their brilliant plan. Annabeth's chapter will be really long because the plan needs to start before I move on to the next chapter, which will be from Frank's perspective.

I have already had a few submissions for my contest, so please remember to enter! I will announce the winner after the chapter that follows Frank.

Please comment and Enjoy!

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