Chapter 7 - Jaz

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Jaz spent the night with a creaking dragon head and a sad joker.

Okay, so maybe it wasn't as bad as it sounded, but it was still enough to drive her looney. Leo kept cracking bad jokes and talking - well, not exactly talking - to the metal dragon who he claimed was named Festus. Jaz got so bored with it that she asked Leo if she could check on the crew.

"Sure," Leo said. "Don't take too long. If something attacks, I'm not sure that I could hold them off on my own."

Jaz silently tiptoed down the stairs. She opened the door to the mess hall and poked her head inside. Walt and Carter were crashed out on the couches, snoring. She smiled. Walt looked cute.

Truth was, she still had a small crush on Walt. She had no hard feelings toward Sadie, but she couldn't help picturing herself and Walt holding hands, which made her feel guilty. Walt was already taken and she was almost ready to move on.

She slowly checked the other rooms in this order: Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, and the chaperone's room where Sadie, Zia, and she were sleeping. Everyone was in their rooms except for Leo, who was on watch above deck.

She moved on to Percy's room. Yes, she thought he was kind of cute, and she would definitely be crushing if he wasn't so obviously taken. She'd walked in on him kissing Annabeth twice that day. If they weren't dating, then she was a metal dragon.

She opened the door and glanced around the room. It looked like a typical teenage boy's room. The bed looked as though it had been made in a hurry.Clothes were hanging over the edges of a laundry basket. The wall beside the bed was plastered with photos, mostly of Percy and Annabeth. The only unusual thing was the shield hanging from a hook on the wall.

Jaz was about to close the door when something in her mind clicked. Percy was not in the room. She was about to start freaking out when a tortured scream pierced through the silence on the Argo II, coming from Annabeth's room. Leaving Percy's door ajar, she stepped across the door and opened Annabeth's door.

The first thought that ran through her head: Aww, they're so cute! Percy was sitting on the bed, holding Annabeth as she sobbed into his chest. Second thought: Why was Percy in Annabeth's room? She noticed a sleeping bag on the floor. Aww! He'd been sleeping in Annabeth's room! Seriously, these guys defined cute!

Jaz met Percy's eyes and they shared a silent agreement. She quietly backed out of the room and closed the door. Whatever was troubling Annabeth, Percy could sort it out without her help.

She looked at the pictures in his room. One showed Annabeth and Percy holding hands as a crowd got ready to throw them into a lake. Another showed Percy with his arm around Annabeth, in front  of a strawberry field. The rest were similar to this, although some had a third person in the picture, a guy with small horns and goat legs (or were they donkey legs?).

After a while, she stood up to rejoin Leo above deck. As she was walking down the hall, she caught snatches of Percy and Annabeth's conversation:

"Don't leave me, Percy."

"I never will."


Aww! I just love Percabeth! Who wouldn't!

Anyway, today is my sister Elizabeth's 11th birthday! I'm waiting for her to wake up right now. It seems now that every week I get a new injury. I skinned my pinky, not so bad, but enough to make it difficult to write.

News on the volleyball tournament: We sucked! :) we finished 5th place out of 6 teams. The boys did way better. Going into chamionships, they were tied for first. In the end, they got 3rd place.


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