Chapter 9 - Sadie

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Sadie had decided that monsters from Greek myths were scary even before she met them. This trip just showed her how real they were.

She couldn't imagine what a demigod's life would be like. Every day, they wondered if a monster was going to attack them, and if so, which monster that would be. She worried about what to wear for school, while they worried about what wanted them dead. Her life seemed like gold compared to these demigods' lives.

Sadie was walking down to the infirmary with Jaz to check on Jason. They'd been making this trip for four days now, ever since he'd been knocked out.

Piper was already with Jason. She was holding his hand while he snored. When she saw Sadie and Jaz approaching, she looked up at them, her eyes full of tears and hope.

Jason himself looked horrible. He was pale from blood loss in his head and coming close to death twice. He had a new scar on his cheek from where a sharp piece of wood had cut it. His head was bandaged tightly to prevent any poisoning in the wound - slamming into the mast had cracked his skull and sliced his head open.

"How is he?" Jaz asked, using the same question she'd used for the past few days.

"His pulse has quickened and he's getting more colour every hour," Piper reported.

Jaz sighed in relief. "He should be waking up any time now. In fact, I'm quite surprised he isn't awake yet."

Piper faked a look of confusion. "But Jason doesn't usually sleep in. That's more Percy's thing."

All three girls started giggling.

"Can't I get any sleep?" a weak voice asked.

"Jason!" Piper shrieked, tackling him with hugs and kisses. Jason kissed her back.

As if on cue, Leo and Walt stalked into the room. When they saw Jason awake, they ran over.

"Piper, stop hogging Jason! I want to give my best friend a hug!" Leo said, throwing Piper to the side. For once, she didn't say something back to Leo or make him do something stupid with her charmspeak. She just seemed happy to have Jason awake.

Annabeth and Hazel burst into the room, their swords drawn. Sadie shivered. Just looking at Annabeth's drakon bone sword gave her the creeps.

"We heard the screaming," Annabeth said, glancing frantically around the room. "Where's the monster?"

"Jason! You're awake!" Hazel and Annabeth rushed over to give Jason a hug.

"Where's Percy?" Walt asked.

Annabeth snorted. "Sleeping in."

Again, Jaz, Sadie, and Piper collapsed in fits of laughter while everyone gave them confused looks.

"What's so funny?" Walt demanded.

"Inside joke," Jaz said, gasping for breath. This trip had shown Sadie a new side of Jaz. She wasn't the serious work-before-fun kind of girl any more. She was actually laughing along with them and even making jokes of her own. She was acting like a normal teenage girl.

(A/N: Listening to One Direction - Story of My Life. My fave song at #1 on the radio! The story of my life, I'll take her home, I'll drive all night to keep her warm and time is fro-o-o-o-ozen!)

"Ow," Jason said, clutching his bandaged head and groaning. "Is there a way to stop the splitting headaches?"

Piper kissed his cheek and lightly pushed down so he was laying in his bed. "Yes, there is. Take lots of ambrosia and rest."

"Piper is right," Jaz agreed. "you won't be able to do anything until you're completely healed, which won't be for a day, at the least.

"But-" Piper shut him up by shoving an ambrosia square into his mouth. He chewed it and swallowed. A few seconds later, his eyes rolled back into his head and he started snoring again.

"I'll watch him for a while," Piper voluteered. Nobody protested, knowing that Piper would be the best person for the job as she would do anything to protect Jason as he slept.

The demigods and magicians left Piper and Jason and went to do what they needed to do. As they were walking past the bedrooms, Percy's door opened and the son of Poseidon himself walked out, yawning. He stopped when he saw them.

"Hey guys," he said casually. "Did I miss something?"


Sorry for the long wait! My computer crashed on Sunday and we just got it back yesterday. I've been working hard on this chapter so that when we got the computer back, I could type it up right away.

Question of the chapter: What are the names for the mountain gods? Give both Greek and Roman.

This chapter isn't really important, but I just had to do one like this. My friends and I have a  lot of inside jokes, like "It's a walrus!" or "Polar bears". I will not explain them to you. They have long explanations.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote! Until the next time!

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