Chapter 14 - Sadie

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Sadie officially just decided how she was going to die.

She was going to be eaten by a large hunting dog while stuck in the mud.

How Laelaps looked? Imagine a rottweiler. Then make it the size of a full grown elephant with snake fangs. If you can picture that, then multiply how scary it looked by one hundred, then congrats, you won the prize for getting closest to how Laelaps really looked. Your reward is gloating over Sadie's dead body!

Sadie hadn't seen anything as scary as Laelaps since - well, since Apophis. After the fight with the snake a year previously, they'd had a year of peace - well, as peaceful as a magician can be.

"GET. US. OUT!" Piper screeched. She was pretty cool. She seemed like the kind of girl who didn't bide by the rules. In other words, Sadie and her had a few things in common.

She had this habit of squirming when she was freaking out - but not the wiggling kind of squirming. No, she was full out dancing, her arms and legs twitching uncontrolably and her fingers tapping unbelievably fast on her thighs.

Hazel closed her eyes and concentrated hard. Slowly, Piper began to rise out of the ground. By the time she was out, Laelaps had spotted them and was bounding towards them, her fearsome face set in a snarl.

Frank aimed his bow and let an arrow fly. The arrow hit Laelaps in the eye and disgusting fluids poured out, leaving an empty eye socket. The sight was so disgusting, it made Sadie want to throw up.

Unfortunately, this only seemed to make the dog angry. She growled at the group and jumped at them. They would have been dog kibble if Piper hadn't raised her sword at last minute. Large drops of blood fell on Sadie's hair as the blade pierced Laelaps' stomach.

Walt was now free from the ground. He reached into the Duat and pulled out his wand and staff. When he tapped his wand against his arm, black sparks and ashes flew out.

"Go!" Hazel yelled to the three that were free. "Distract Laelaps while I get Sadie out!"

They ran off in different directions, all far apart, all far fram Hazel and Sadie.

"Over here, ugly!" Piper yelled.

"Hey, Dogbreath!" Walt called.

"Come and get me, ya stupid dog!" Frank shouted.

Laelaps looked around, confused by all the voices yelling at her. She couldn't zero in on one person, so she jumped at the two people who weren't making noise: she jumped at Hazel and Sadie.

As Laelaps' paws left the ground, Sadie felt her feet leave the ground. Wasting no time, she pulled her staff from the Duat and started concentrating for her spell.

"Tas!" she yelled, praying to Isis for assistance in the spell. The heiroglyphs for Bind burned in the air and a golden band exploded from the tip of her staff. They wrapped around Laelaps until she looked like a golden mummy with angry eyes (this thought made Sadie shiver. She'd run into some angry mummies before - not fun).

"Let's go!" she yelled to her friends, who were standing in amazement. "Those ropes won't hold very long."

A band snapped, proving her point.

They ran as fast as they could out of the tunnel.

On the path to the ocean, they ran into Zia, Jaz, and Carter.


"Don't ask questions, just run!" Piper panted. They all raced back to the ship and found Leo on deck.

"Go, go, go!" Sadie said, leaning over to catch her breath.

Leo flew the Argo II away as fast as the ship would allow him to. Everyone gathered on deck to here about what had happened in the cavern.

Sadie didn't relax until the island was out of sight.


Chapter 14, finished! I'm still deciding on who should have the next chapter, but these are the people who won't be narrating Chapter 15 because they're needed later: Annabeth, Percy, and Frank. I think Annabeth will be Chapter 16 if I can get Chapter 15 to play out the way I want it. And yes, something big is going to happen, something that causes a one-day delay...

I want you to know that I don't have the heart to kill one of the seven, so for the oath to keep with a final breath part of the prophecy, I've planned for someone else to die that will still cause tears to fall, but not as many as there would be if Leo or Percy or Carter or Sadie died. Who, you might ask? Well, you'll just have to read on! By the way, I plan to start the war by March.


Oh, I also plan to do a Calypso chapter later on. I wonder why........... Actually, I know why, but you guys don't!


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