Chapter 5 - Leo

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When the cute girl collapsed, no one noticed except for Leo.

Jason was tangled up in a pile of ropes and Piper was helping him get out, Annabeth was pacing the deck, muttering to herself, the newbies were putting away their strange weapons, and Percy was cleaning off his sword - apparently sea serpents had no idea what tissues were.

"We need medical help over here!" Leo yelled. Everyone dropped what they were doing and rushed over. Jason tripped on the ropes in a rush to get over.

Leo looked back at the girl before everyone crowded around her. She had shoulder-length dark hair, messy from the serpent attack. She looked Egyptian with the dark skin and eyeliner and jewelry she wore. In short, she was beautiful - but not as beautiful as Calypso.

Calypso. Thinking about her made Leo feel good and bad at the same time. Part of him told him that it would never have worked out. She was immortal, for Zeus' sake! But part of him was hopeful. He was sure they'd had something, sure that there had been a spark. She'd told him that he couldn't return, yet he'd made the oath anyways. If he survived this war, he'd go looking for Ogygia and Calypso.

Hazel dribbled some nectar into the girl's mouth. Immediately, her eyes snapped open. "What happened?" She tried to sit up, but Piper gently pushed her back down.

"You collapsed after doing that spell thingy," Frank explained. "By any chance are you a daughter of Hecate?"

"Magician for the House of Life," a girl with blue eyes and blonde hair with streaks of purple said. "We're kind of like the police for the gods of Egypt."

"Great. Not only do Greek and Roman gods exist, but now there's a whole other aspect to make our lives suck," Leo complained.

"Wait. There are Egyptian, Greek, and Roman gods?" asked the spell girl. "Carter, I'm going to faint again. Please catch me."

"And you call me the drama queen!" said the blonde girl.

"Shut up, Sadie," said the guy with the bent sword, who Leo assumed was Carter. "We didn't come here to complain."

"Why did we come here anyway?" asked the bigger of the two guys.

"You aren't the only ones who need to know that," Annabeth said, glaring at Percy.

"Well, we had a discussion while you were asleep," Percy said.

"And you didn't think to wake me up?" Annabeth demanded.

"Well, you were half-dead twelve hours ago."

"So were you!"

"Woah," Carter said. "Back it up. We need to know the whole story. From the beginning."

Annabeth took a deep breath. "When I was seven, I ran away from home. My father and stepmother acted like they didn't want me. I found friends - Luke, son of Hermes, and Thalia, daughter of Zeus. We spent some time fighting monsters, making safe havens, and making our own family. We all didn't feel comfortable at our homes. Luke's mother had tried to host the spirit of the Oracle of Delphi and failed, leaving her in a horrible state, and Thalia's mother was a drinker. Then, Grover found us. He told us that he'd been sent to escort Thalia to Camp Half-Blood, but he wouldn't leave us. So we all traveled to camp. Grover took a few wrong turns and the monsters started catching up with us. So, Thalia made her final stand on Half-Blood Hill. As she was dying, her father turned her into a tree. Her soul protected the camp boundary for years.

"The reason Thalia was wanted dead was because of a prophecy issued about a child of the eldest gods: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. The prophecy came true about a year ago, but I think Percy can tell you about that."

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