Chapter 08: Rude (by Scion)

Start from the beginning

After he lost consciousness, he was brought in a dream-like state where he felt a connection with a 'something' that was tangible in the real world.

But because he was unconscious, he could only treat it as a dream and not actually mind it.

And yet, as soon as he woke up last night, he felt that tangible connection with that something getting further and further away. That feeling... was like his connection with his weapons back in Terroa... a very profound feeling of something important to you is connected via an imaginable force made by man.

In short, it was the same feeling as the [Invention] items in RPG: Terroa. That was the kind of feeling he felt last night.

Alas, that feeling was only short so he wouldn't be sure if his conjecture was right or not. All he could do for now is to sleep... log in... and then make his way fast towards Alexandria.

In a particular time, Siva logged in.


As soon as he opened his eyes, he was inside Volt's Cyclone parked in man-made icy cave.

Siva walked out of the Cyclone and saw two men who bid him a wave of a hand.

"G'Morning." Thorn said. Introductions were already over between all of them so there was no need to say them again.

"Yo." Volt followed.

Siva nodded as if not to actually mind them. He spent a few minutes looking around their man-made cave before looking at the [in-game time] clock.

"We've been hiding for almost three days now. By my calculations, the search parties might already be ahead of us if not waiting for us to appear for an ambush."

Hearing Thorn's words made Siva nod. He too had the same thoughts as him.

Rex sat down on a silent corner and then opened his inventory. He pulled out the bags that had the goods stolen from the capsule shop in Dragona. Inspecting the contents, although it was taken in an unruly way, he still couldn't help but beam a smile.

"Well this is quite a harvest." He murmured.

There were Hover Bikes, Hover Boards, Drill Cars, Ice Trucks, a hundred or so centipedes, Polar Tents and even Villas –to his delight, bed warmers, comms devices, standalone warehouses and other expensive storage facilities for storing perishable monster items and resources, and... by virtue or not, he even got himself three Harvesters!

Harvesters are vehicles –machines meant solely for harvesting minerals and resources, or anything useful that's existing on its database or anything specific that's programmed for it to harvest.

Shops in the Xargoal Mining Cities are prohibited to sell these items because, as their cities' names imply, they are minor cities with the sole purpose of mining and distributing minerals they mined to the world.

Even to the cities in the nearest 24hrs distance from the Xargoal Mining Cities, this item is still prohibited to be sold.

Their primary tools on harvesting these minerals are these so called Harvesters.

But of all these, perhaps, Siva's greatest gains was the capsule with the name of Akhenaton.

Approaching from curiosity, Thorn and Volt chuckled as they saw the three Capsules with the image of the Harvester on its label.

Thorn said, "We can use these Harvesters to harvest some Ice Crystals or Water Stones in the mountain."

Hearing the excitement on his voice, Volt added, "It might be better to use these harvesters on places where people are least to come. Set up a gathering point, then let it do its job for the next... few months perhaps, if not years..."

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