17: What happened to you?

Start from the beginning

He looked around. "No."


We spent ten more minutes at my house eating breakfast and then we left for school.

Eve left my side as soon we entered the walls of the school. So I put my earphones on and got drowned out in music.

Which, in my school, I should've never done. The hallways here werr worse than . . . going to school. It was brutal. It was torture. It was painful.

Well, at least the main hallway at the old building, which just happened to be where I was now.

And once the music turned on, I lost hold of my surroundings. And everything disappeared around me. There was only me and the ten dollar founding father without a father.

I just want to emphasize passing times were as painful as a toothache and a headache occurring at the same time. Well, maybe not that painful but, you get my point: When I was fully aware of my surroundings, I got through the hallways with only one or two bruises on my arms. Or maybe none, I didn't care anymore after freshman year.

So, imagine if I didn't know and heard what was happening around me. Then it was the death of me.

I'll see you all at my funeral.

After imagining how my death could turn out, I decided to pull my earphones out.

And I was too late.

I found myself on the floor, in the middle of a stampede as the first warning bell just rang. I landed on my back and so I immediately rolled over and watch students' shoes rush past me or, well, accidentally step on me.

And everyone knew that if you fell down on passing time, or when the warning bell rang, there was no way you're gonna get back up.

You're gonna get buried right exactly where you fell.

Unless somebody good enough helped you up. But by doing that, they were risking their lives too. So don't expect much.

I wasn't expecting much.

And yet I still got help.

"Grab on!" I heard a female voice said. She held out her hand to me.

"No!" I said dramatically, "Go! Save your life! This happened to me before when I was a freshman. And I know it happens at least once to everyone. Just save your life and leave me here."

"Stop being so weird and just grab my hand before I end up late!" she screamed at the top of her lungs but I still had a hard time hearing her because of how loud everyone else was.

But I figured out what she was saying anyway.

Getting ready to reach up, I placed my hand on my floor to push myself up first.

But, I felt this terrible pain sensation a few seconds later on and for a second, I couldn't hear anything. I just looked down on my hand, held it, and started to scream and groan in pain.

Somebody heavy just stepped on it.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" The girl who was trying to help me asked.

"Is it obvious?!" I asked her sarcastically through my gritted teeth.

"Ohh," she growled and looked at the person who possibly stepped on my hand, "I'm gonna get back to him later. But now, you need help. Why won't you just stand up?!"

The tardy bell rang, and there were fewer people than before now. But, being in a stampede of a bunch of teenagers compressed in a not so big hallway can really hurt you in so many levels and so many ways that you haven't even imagined yet.

You should try it sometimes if you went to my school.

And my hand. I think it might be broken. I gotta be honest, I don't cry a lot. Usually, I cry once or twice a year.

But, some tears were shed today. And everything was just blurry because of my watery eyes.

"Here," the girl said more calmly now, "I'll go get help."

"No!" I reached my good hand out to her, "Don't leave me!"

I got a clearer picture of her and saw a familiar face.

"I don't think you're okay, though. You have scrapes all over your legs," she said as she walked away fast, "I'll be back. Just stay there."

The blurriness was gone, and I saw who was walking away from me.

"Marge," I called her. She looked back at me, "Come back quick."

She gave me a smile and a nod.

Great. I'm late for the first hour.

I looked around the hallway and saw almost no one out.

I pushed myself up, feeling the pain all over my body but the pain in my hand still overpowers everything else.

Remind me never to put on my earphones a few minutes before the tardy bell when I'm out in the hallways. I mean, sure during free period when no one is rushing, put it on if you wanted.

But when everyone was running late then I can guarantee you that it's not a good time to listen to music in our hallways.

I leaned against the wall, my legs flat on the floor.

I held my hand to my chest, holding back tears. Good thing I didn't use my left hand for a lot of things.

Oh wait, it's my right hand that's injured.

I cried out loud more. Both the physical and mental pain was almost unbearable.

I saw three people come back, Marge leading them to me.

"Come guys. Faster," I heard Marge said.

Okay. Good. She was back. I really needef someone to help me stand up.

They got nearer and nearer until they're standing tall in front of me.

Marge got help. A tall black-haired boy with soft mocha color skin and the other was tall as well, except with dirty brown hair and a lighter skin tone.

I knew who these people are.

"What happened to you?" The brown-haired boy asked. Phillip Emmett.

I groaned. "It's called death by hallway."


Hello Everyone! I hope you like this chapter. Thank you for 500 reads! It's a great achievement for me. And geez, 200 votes?! Really thank you all!

I'm introducing to you guys who Zero is real soon.

Would you rather have a pause button or a rewind button?

My answer:
A rewind button. I want to relive the best moments of my life instead of stay in it.

Hope to see you on the next chapter!

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