chapter twenty one - armed up *unedited*

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I sulked around the mucky grass, glaring at the ground as I attempted to find some clue that the depot was actually here. I sighed out and ran a hand through my tangled hair. I didn't want to give up on the supplies that could help us survive.. but we couldn't find the damn thing. Like on cue, my foot got caught on something and I went tumbling into the grass below. I almost got a mouth full of dirt from below me, but before I could land, my arms came up in front of me, shielding the fall. I frowned and looked down at my foot which was caught. I moved my foot and some of the grass moved along with it. My eyebrow raised as I sat straight. I started moving some of the grass, and I realized that what I had tripped on, a handle of a door.

"what a coincidence.." I whispered while a smile slipped onto my lips smiled. I started to stand up and turned around to see if I got spot the older blake sibling, but ended up calling his name when I couldn't see him. "Bellamy!" I yelled out, my eyes darting around the forest to look for the mop of brown curly hair, and then my brown eyes found his head coming up from the hill.

 "What, you alright?" he questioned with a concerned voice and I lifted one of my eyebrows.

"I'm fine." I answered back. I nodded towards the door, "I think I found the depot." He pursed his lips at me before walking his way over here to investigate what I found. I turned my back to him and reached for the handle. I tugged, but it didn't move. "I think it's rusted shut." I mused, looking over at him with a frown.

"Watch out." He said.

I moved to the side and watched him with a curious gaze as he grabbed an axe from his belt and brought the blunt side down on the bottom edge of the door roughly. He did it again, and this time instead of a dull clang, there was a crack, and one of the handles broke off. Bellamy reached forward and wretched the door open, and I couldn't help but feel like an excited child who found a new adventure.

I ascended down the ladder and into the murky darkness below. I reached the bottom of the ladder and Bellamy handed me a flashlight. I turned it on, looking around. On the wall directly in front of us, there was an orange and white sign spelling out, 'Emergency Aid Depot #23'. I wondered how many more there was scattered around the Earth and the treasures that remained within.

"You really think this place hasn't been touched since the war?" Bellamy's voice broke up my trail of thoughts. His tone sounding disbelieving. I sighed out.

"I really hope it hasn't." I answered before turning to the right, and heading down a dark but short hallway. There was a set of stairs at the end of the hallway and I decided to go down them. When my flashlight landed on a skeleton, I pursed my lips. "Shitty place to die." I couldn't contain a amusement snort of my own comment, even though it wasn't funny. I could feel Bellamy shooting daggers at the back of my skull.

 As the both of us walked further down, we both quickly realized how bad the condition of the lower levels were getting. The moss covered walls were mostly cracked with missing concrete falling as we stepped further in. The floor was damp with the water that seeped through the cracks of the stone and I could feel a slight draft coming from somewhere. "Well," I sighed, "you can tell Clarke that staying here is not an option." I informed him while my flashlight skimmed the murky water. "This place is a dump."

"Anything left down here is ruined." Bellamy growled. We began searching around, and I turned over a few barrels but they ended coming up empty.

"They must have disturbed most of the supplies before the last of the bombs." I muttered, dropping another lid which turned up empty. I turned around to watch Bellamy open up a tub, pulling out a few glow sticks, cracking them to give us more light.

I turned back around after catching a thrown glow stick, I opened another barrel which revealed orange blankets. A small smile turned up on my face. "Hey, I found some blankets." I called to Bellamy.

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