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    DAKOTA DIDN'T HAVE A reaction for what she had felt in the situation when Monty declared that the wristbands were fried. Her body remained frozen in place, not sure what to do nor say. From behind her, Finn cursed to himself and then punched the drop-ship wall in anger before storming out of the room. Clarke's  gaze was quick to follow Finn's leaving body, her soft features were wiped clean and replaced with a look of worry. 

 Dakota watched her face and she knew how much Finn meant to Clarke. The glances they shared towards one another was pretty obvious to tell that something was going on between the both of them.

  "Go after him." Dakota spoke up, watching as Clarke's eyes landed on her.  "Go bring him back." She added while she gestured her head towards the drop-ship doors. Clarke smiled softly and then went to go after Finn.

 Dakota's eyes left Clarke's figure as she disappeared behind the door and her gaze switched down to the fried wristband. All the hope she was feeling earlier had dropped from her heart and the unsettling fact that they were down here alone with no help from above had finally sunk in. 

 Her best-friend Raven was still up there on the Ark, and she had no clue that Dakota was still alive, not locked up but still a million feet away from her. Octavia seen the look of pure disappointment and walked over towards her, putting a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder which made her tense up.

 Dakota was about to push the hand off when she turned her head and caught the face of the little Blake sibling. Dakota tried to muster up the best fake smile she possibly could, but not even a smile could hide how broken she was feeling. 

Jasper slid down the wall beside them all, holding his hands tightly together. He was shaking and frustrated. Octavia noticed and walked towards him, comforting him the best she could. "This is all my fault." Jasper sighed.

"No it's not. You tried and that's all that matters." Octavia gave him a small smile while she crouched down to get on his level.

 Jasper let out a laugh full of disbelief and everyone in the room could tell he was beyond frustrated with himself at this point. Jasper threw the tools he was using on the table and cursed again. It was when Octavia leaned forward that had Dakota elbowing Monty in the ribs. He looked over in question, and then a small smile slipped up on his lips as Octavia pulled away. 

 Dakota seen the shocked look on his face and she smiled down at him. Octavia motioned towards Dakota, and she sat up after she patted Monty on the shoulder. While she was following behind Octavia who was headed towards the door, she sent Jasper a wink.

BORN TO DIE | BELLAMY BLAKE [1]Where stories live. Discover now