chapter twenty - depot *unedited*

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 I began to shift in my sleep, cuddling closer to something that was firm but comforting. It was funny, because I didn't remember falling asleep, let alone sleeping against something solid-- which oddly enough- made me feel safe. Funny, I didn't remember falling asleep. I shifted in my sleep as my body began to wake up, and my brown eyes fluttered, only to reveal a sight of blurriness all around me. I groaned as my bones felt brittle and sore, blinking a couple times to steady my vision to adjust to the surroundings. Everything that happened before I fell unconscious was a blur, and my eyes that were playing tricks on me didn't help as I looked down and saw eight pairs of boots.

 "Have a good sleep, short-stack?" I heard Bellamy's voice ask me.

"Mm?" I replied with a mumble, leaning my head up to look into Bellamy's brown eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, and looked around the room. "What happened?" I questioned while putting space between Bellamy and I.

Bellamy's amused expression disappeared, "You were poisoned."

I nodded, "Probably why I'm seeing double." I glanced over at the grounder who was watching us with a careful eye.

"You scared the shit out of me." Raven piped up, coming up the ladder with a grin on her face.

I looked over at her and smiled. "How's Finn?" I asked.

She nodded, "He's alive." She came and sat down beside me and embraced me into a tight hug. "I thought I lost you," "Ah, you know me Rae. Always cheatin' death." I smirked at her. I saw Bellamy smile in the corner of my eye.

"Where's Miller?" Bellamy asked Raven as she pulled away from me.

"He's talking to the Ark, informing John's parents." She spoke with an uneven smile.

"Actually, I'm right here." Miller informed Bellamy as he was climbing up the ladder, "Suppose to talk to Roma's parents later." His eyes glanced over at me.

"Thanks for doing that. I owe you." Bellamy moved against the wall to sit on one of the crates next to me.

"You're letting them communicate with the Ark?" I asked. Bellamy and Miller glanced my way.

"Yeah, not just talking through a radio though. They're video chatting." Bellamy spoke, grinding his teeth together.

"Oh." I said, just barely above a whisper.

"Telling all these parents that their kids were murdered by grounders. I wish I could say we were getting some justice." Miller spoke, taking Bellamy's attention off of me.

"We're not killing him." Bellamy said tiredly.

Miller picked up a handful of berries. "You were a lot scarier when you had that face paint on." Miller slapped the berries across the grounder's face. The grounder promptly retaliated, head butting Miller.

I snickered under my breath, "Now, I like him." I smirked. I saw the grounder glance over at me, and smirked. I stared over at him as my eyebrows creased together on my forehead but just as fast as it happened- his face quickly wiped clean- and he stared back emotionless. I furrowed my eyebrows when his face quickly turned emotionless. I cocked my head to the side of the realization that maybe this man actually understood us, but for Octavia's sake, I decided not to say anything. 

I glanced over at Bellamy who wouldn't glance back, and I decided to go down the ladder. "You're alive." Jasper exclaimed. "That's great, cause it would really suck around here if you died."

Monty slapped Jasper and I let out a small chuckle. "Someone's gotta keep the fun going around here, Right Jasp?" I walked over to Monty and him. Jasper grinned at my new nickname for him.

BORN TO DIE | BELLAMY BLAKE [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora