Prompts 2

261 3 7

Sidemen stupid part 2 coming soon as well as Calstar forgotten. Anyway enjoy. Make sure to comment any ones you want.

Happy! Harry going on about boyfriend! Callux to annoyed! sidemen.
After finding out annoying! Callux doing the same.

Self-conscious! Vik thinking he isn't good enough for boyfriend! Simon.
Caring! Simon spending a whole night showing his love ;)

Confused! JJ going to bestfriend! Simon after he believes he has feelings for attractive! Josh.
That night all upset! Simon and Vik could hear was moans for 'Daddy'.

Unhappy and love struck! Josh breaking up with his girl friend for attractive! JJ.

Confused! Harry explaining to engaged! Vik about his feelings for Loving and attractive! Ethan and Tobi.
Cute! Harry wasn't seen until the next day covered in hickeys. ;)

Loving! Sidemen planning a day out and Romanov dinner for oblivious! Tobi's birthday. (So tempted to write)

Loving! Vik dressing in a skater skirt and tights for him and boyfriends! Sidemen's anniversary.
The next day their neighbours made noise complaints. ;)

So, the prompts are back. :D
Anyway, comment any you want and if you have any requests, all are welcome. Have a nice day. :)

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