Kstar- Soulmate

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Soulmate- Everyone has a tattoo somewhere on there body that matches one other person, their soulmate, once they're both 18.
I finished unloading my video and made my way upstairs and went into the kitchen. I saw Josh and Paige (put myself in don't judge) talking on the island, I coughed loudly for them to know I'm here.
"Oh hey JJ, anyway I need to go see Shelby (best friend, she made me put her in 😞) round her and Harry's (again she loves him) to think of some ideas. Bye JJ, later Babe," she said before giving Josh a kiss then leaving. I saw Josh stare longingly at the exit until he headed the door close before sighing and looking towards me.
"Hey man, do you want to go to the airport with me to collect Vik," he asked me, let me fill you in. Vik went to Australia, to see his boyfriend Lachlan, for his 18 birthday but turns out they weren't soulmates and Lachlan had found his soulmate and cheated on him with her yesterday. After having his heart broken, he's coming back today instead of 5 days from now when he was meant to come back. I'm not gonna lie I never liked Lachlan, he always took all of Vik's attention and would always be controlling of him, yes I may have a small- well huge crush on the small Asian (not racist I promise).
"Yeah sure," I shrugged but in the inside I was sooooo happy to see the boy again, I've missed him. Even though, he's only been gone 2 days.
"Come on let's go," he said before walking towards the door with me following behind.
-time skip hopefully my only one-
I wait patiently sat beside Josh, waiting for Vik to come out of the exit to the plane. My heart jumped when I saw the sad looking boy come out before I know it I'm running towards him then picking him up. After spinning him around I finally drop him to the floor and hugged him again.
"Hey JJ, how's-" he stops talking once he notices how I'm starring at his wrist, that has the exact same ratio I have on my ankle. (By the way their tattoos are 4 stars 2 coloured in black the others yellow and blue, I saw a picture of this but it wouldn't let me put it in sorry)
"You, your my soulmate Vik," I tell him before pulling up my trousers to see my tattoo, suddenly I felt lips on mine and arms around my neck. Feeling the sparks, I immediately kiss back and put mine around his waist.
"As much as I love that you two have found each other, we need to get home," Josh stated cutting is of from our kiss.
"You know Vikky,, I'm never letting you go," I whisper to him before bringing of both towards Josh and pulling him along by my arm around his waist.
Authors Note:
Hello, I'm now obsessed with Kstar, I love it. So expect more of it ont the future. Anyway, hope you enjoyed and have a nice day. :D

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