Sidemen- Stupid

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I'm the worse boyfriend ever. I look over as Vik cries into Simon's chest. I'm so stupid. All he wanted was for me to cuddle him. And I ended shouting so much he cried. I still remember his broken face. The way his tears fell down his beautiful face.
"JJ," I look up from my screen to the door, where Vik's standing there in some sweats and one of Josh's hoodies.
"Yeah?" I answer my voice louder then I wanted but I just ignore it looking at him.
"Can you cuddle with me?" He asks looking down at the ground.
"Isn't one of the others free?" I question turning back to my editing that I need to do.
"Yeah but......." I heard Vik trail of.
"Well?!" I ask my voice getting louder.
"It's just you haven't cuddle with me for a couple of weeks now JJ and I miss it," he says finally looking up with hope and honest filled eyes.
"Vik, I'm busy." I say turning my attention back to the screen.
"But-" I quickly cut him off, and jump out of my chair turning around.
"No Vik!!! I'm busy!!" I screamed, glaring at the now upset looking boy.
"Please JJ, I know but-" I swiftly cut him off again but regret it after.
"Shut up Vik!! Go be a whore somewhere else!!" I yell, immediately hearing a stamped of footsteps coming our way.
"Guys what's wrong we heard shouting," Tobi said, followed by the rest of the guys. Immediately noticing the crying boy they all go to comfort him, while Josh makes his way towards me.
"What did you do??" He states in his dad voice, although it's filled with venom and hostility.
"What makes you think I did anything?" I question, trying to argue back but failing when I see the glare he gave me.
"I heard you shouting and you're the only one who was with him. Now tell. Me. What. Happened." He growled taking a step with each word. Eventually making me back up into a wall.
"I shouted at him and he took it badly." I stated calmly although scared of what he's gonna do to me.
"What did you say?" He asks again, deciding I should just tell them.
"I shouted at him when all he wanted was for me to cuddle him. And.... and I called him a whore," I stated looking down, feeling tears come to my eyes thinking back at what I did.
To be continued.......
Authors Note:
Decided to be a bit of a bitch and leave it there. Part two coming soon!!! Anyway, hope you enjoyed and have a nice day.
Ps- nothing against JJ and sorry for mistakes. :(

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