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So I decided to do these, bored honestly. Anyway, enjoy. Comment if you really want one of these.

Drunk! Calfridge flirting with taken! Vik and ending up getting threaten by boyfriends! Josh and Simon.

Jealous! Sidemen going to Guernsey( is that how it's spelt??) after seeing a picture of oblivious! Harry with a long time lesbian friend on Instagram, hugging.

Caring! Vik comforting heartbroken! Ethan after his girlfriend broke up with him.( I love Emily and Ethan together, nothing against her)

Angered! JJ punching guilty! Josh after he won't stop talking about how boyfriend! Vik and friend! Tobi should be together.

Upset! Simon going to best friend! JJ after he finds his boyfriend cheating on him.

Boyfriend! Josh trying to get along with the pack for boyfriend! Vik. But really hating them.

Paranoid! Sidemen thinking boyfriend! Vik will leave them for the pack.
Boyfriend! Vik showing them how much he loves them ;).

Boyfriend! Harry convincing lover! Calfreezer that they can come out to the sidemen.

Upset! Callux leaving boyfriends! Harry and Calfish after feeling unwanted.
Concerned! Harry and Calfrozen finding him and showing him how much they love him ;)

Paranoid! Vik going to trustworthy! Josh when he releases he's in love with attractive! Simon.
A day later Vik and Simon are together.
Sorry that I haven't updating in a while been going through some personal problems. Anyway, if you want one of these in a Oneshots please let me know. Have a nice day. :D

Sidemen and friends One-shots (Boyxboy) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt