Calstar- Forgotten

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Vik's POV:
I sat on my bed thinking about everything that's been going on with me the last couple of months. Me and the rest of the sidemen and been together for 2 years but the past months have been different. The guys are barely ever doing anything with me and when they are it always seems forced. When I'm not recording videos I spend most of my time crying in my room, and then most of the time cutting in my bathroom. I looked over at my calendar on my cupboard and see that tomorrow is my birthday. I've been looking forward to my birthday not for presents but maybe the guys will do something for my birthday and everything will be ok or at least just for the day. I walk down the stairs hoping tonight's different but I hope that everyday so what's gonna make that change today. I walked into the living room to find everyone cuddled up together watching a movie of some sorts, Harry and Josh, Ethan and Tobi, and Simon and JJ. I just sat down on the other side of the couch. I've stopped trying to become apart of the things they do now I know there's no point.
"Come on guys let's go to Nando's!!" JJ said after the movie finished.
"Yeah, and Vik can you stay behind there's a huge mess in the game room from one of our videos earlier," Simon stated as the rest all got ready to leave. I just mumbled a yes and carried on looking down knowing they clearly don't want me to be there. The guys soon left and didn't even say good bye. Before they left I saw another new hickey on Harry's neck, he's so lucky. Now before you guys think badly of me, I used to be the one getting the attention and always was loved and it was shown. However, now that's Harry and I'm pretty sure they don't care about me anymore. Pushing all my thoughts aside I walked to the game room and began tidying, I do a lot of chores around the house hoping that'll make them happy and notice me, however that hasn't works for me so far.
-time skip 'caus I can-
I woke up to the Sun streaming through my curtains, last night went like normal the guys getting back and showing their affection towards each other. My heart breaks every time I hear them all making love to one another and I haven't been barely kissed in months. I know I sound sad but I love them and for some reason I still hope they still love me, if they ever did. Getting rid of my bad and lonely thoughts, my heart swelled as I looked towards my calendar and saw that today was my birthday and maybe today will change. I've seen all the nice, sweet and romantic things they've all done on the others birthdays and I hope it happens to me too. I quickly got ready in the weirdly silent house and rushed down stairs looking for the guys but found no one. I went in the basement by JJ's room but only found all the guys suitcases gone all except mine. My head fills with confusion as I walk back into the kitchen. My confusion becomes hope as I look towards the door as I hear someone open it with their key. However, I'm surprised to see Cal(Freezy) and not the Sidemen.
"Vik, what are you still doing here??" He asked after calming down after being surprised by my presence.
"I live here, why are you here??" I asked him, confused by today's events so far.
"I thought you'd be on holiday with the rest of the guys?!" He asked, still confused but also had a little sign of hope in his eyes but I might be wrong.
"Holiday, what are you talking about?!" I know now I'm not gonna like his answer but I want- no need to know what's happening.
"Well the Sidemen have took a week long trip to Italy for Harry's birthday," he said, réalisation hit me and my whole world came crashing down again. I forgot Harry's birthday is 5 days after mine (I know that's wrong but pretend it's right please) but what hurt the most was they went without me, didn't tell me and left me alone on my birthday. After weeks of being strong and not crying in front of others my eyes flooded out with tears. I heard Cal moving towards me and started to hug me, I hadn't been hugged in months so it took a while for me to get used to it again. He whispered quiet and comforting words in my ear as he held me.
"Please Vik tell me everything," he told me after a good ten minutes of crying, which I just nodded to still in his chest.
-Time skip 'caus I know you guys don't wanna hear everything again-
I cried into Cal's shirt after I'd finished telling him everything.
"Shhh, Vikky, they don't deserve you. You're amazing, beautiful, talented, hard working and have the kindest heart in the world," he added," and any person who has you is the luckiest person in the world!!" Crying with tears of happiness, the first time in ages, I lent up to his level and pressed my lips against his soft ones. Panic filled me until I felt him kiss me back and placed his arms around my waist. I snaked my arms around his neck as he liked my lip asking for entrance which I happily obliged. Forgetting we need air finally we break apart and look into each other's eyes.
"I'm gonna take care of you Vikky, give you what you deserve and never let you feel like what you've felt the last months ever again," Cal stated before pulling me into another kiss which I happily returned.
Authors Note:
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed and sorry if I've put the sidemen as bad characters, that's not what I think of them by the way, I love them. If you guys want a second part with the Sidemen's reaction to Cal and Vik being together make sure to let me know. Have a nice day :D 
P.S- sorry if there are mistakes. 😔

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