A crowd of fans was waiting at the airport , Harry turned to Louis , "Do you want to go greet them ?"

Louis nodded and yawned , Harry kissed his forehead as they went to the crowd .

The fans noticed Louis was tired , they hugged him and took a few pictures , Louis tried his best not to look so sleepy but he was so exhausted . Harry put his arm around his waist , Louis magnetically pressed up to his chest , eyes closed .

The fans cooed as they kept taking pictures and videos , Harry kissed the top of his head and smiled , "Isn't he adorable ?"

"The most adorable in the world !!"

"Look at his sweater paws I'm dying !"

"He's so soft oh my god ."

Harry grinned and squeezed his boy slightly tighter , "We'll get going now , don't want to keep him up more . It was lovely meeting you ."

The fans waved goodbye , Louis smiled and waved back as Harry led him out of the building into the arranged ride to the hotel all the YouTubers are staying at .

Harry sat on one side of the backseat , letting Louis lay across the other two seats with his head on his lap . Louis clutched one of Harry's hands to his chest , the other hand massaging his scalp and running through his hair .

An hour and a half later they reached the hotel , Harry asked Joey and Daniel to come help him with their suitcases while he carries Louis . He felt bad for asking them at four a.m to come help him , but they told him it's okay since they slept through their flight and they can't sleep now anyways .

The driver took the suitcases out of the trunk while Harry woke Louis up , "Baby , we're here . Let's get out of the car , then I'll carry you up to bed ." He then turned to thank the driver , shaking his hand and tipping him before returning to Louis .

Louis sleepily slipped out of the car , Harry scooped him up into his chest just as Joey and Daniel walked out of the hotel .

"Aw , how cute ." Daniel cooed , Joey moved Louis' fringe from his forehead , "He's so tiny ."

"He is ." Harry held him closer and watched as the two grabbed the two suitcases . They walked into the warm lobby , Joey helped Harry get his and Louis' room key .

They got into the lift , Harry rocked Louis softly while Daniel filmed them for Joey's vlog .

"You'll make me puke rainbows one say ." He said quietly , Harry chuckled , "How can I resist him ?"

"Who's watching Bear and Milo ?" Joey asked .

"We let Niall stay at our place , sadly he can't be here since he isn't a YouTuber ." Harry said in almost a whisper .

"His new song is amazing , I knew he could sing well but this song is just - wow ." Daniel said before the lift doors opened , they stepped out and walked down the hall .

"Yeah , he signed up secretly since he doesn't want to brag about it , but he's an amazing singer ." Harry nodded and let Joey open the door for him , thanking him and walking in . He placed Louis softly on the bed and took off his shoes , going to thank Joey and Daniel for their help .

They said goodbye and the couple left the room , Harry locked the door and turned to go to Louis .

He smiled at his sleeping form , leaning down to kiss his cheek . "Baby ?" He shook him softly , Louis whined a little before opening his eyes , "Haz ?"

"I'm here . Do you want to shower now or when you wake up ? Because you need to change your clothes , don't want you to sleep in uncomfortable jeans ." He spoke softly while rubbing up and down his back .

A Model And A Fan - Larry Stylinson AU (BoyxBoy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now