Chapter Nine

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I was awakened by the feeling of warmth on me. It was a feeling that I've never woken up nor do I want to ever. Allyson was asleep with her arms around me and her head on my chest.

" Allyson!" I attempted to wake her up. She just pulled me in tighter,making me more uncomfortable. My fingers raked to the roots of her hair. I yanked her hair, awakening her.

" Ow!" She cried, grabbing my hand that's on her hair. Tears started to form, making me smile.

" Never hold me like that!" I scolded. My grip was still tight in her hair. Her hand was over mines, trying to peel it off.

" I-I didn't mean to," she pleaded." Please, let go."

   I released her. Allyson rubbed the spot on her head. There was things I needed to, so I headed out to get ready.


  The day was spent in the library. I was trying to look at the taxes and food needed. I wasn't allowed to see it till now as Queen.

" It's pretty bad ,isn't it?" Lauren appeared,leaning against the doorway." Are you going to fix it?"

   Taxes was overpriced. Also, less than 23% of the money was going to the people. The food was contaminated. We are wasting money on building material for homes when they're completely weak and fragile. This is how my family wanted it, so who am I to fix it?

" Lauren," I said in a warning tone." You know that's not happening. They could go to a different kingdom if they wanted."

" -or dethrone you," Lauren smirked."  But that's why you're family doesn't allow schools. They can't dethrone you without knowing how to read or write or even talk properly."

I was speechless. Lauren was right. Part of me doesn't want to admit that.

" I've given this people a place to stay with very easy jobs," I argued." Plus yore kingdom is the same. Do you think you'll be queen anytime soon? Not as long as your father is alive."

" Listen," she gritted her teeth." I don't care how, but I'll fix the West."

" Do you actually want to or is t because Princess Normani?"

    It was now my turn to challenge her. To my pleasure, Lauren can't stand it. She easily gets infuriated.

" I actually want to," Lauren crossed her arms." Besides, She wants a prince and we are forbidden to be together. She is the only child. I'll have to move to the West. I can't leave my kingdom to die."

Right as I was about to say something, Tellulah raced into the room. She tried to catch her breath fast,so she could inform us about what's happening.

" Tellulah?" I said in shock. Lauren immediately frowned. Why do J have a feeling this is about Allyson?

" Troy's here and he's trying to take Ally!" Tellulah rushed to say. 

   Lauren and I shared a glare before running down to the stables. We quickly startled up the horses and followed Tellulah to the town. People were coming out of their homes just to see all the commotion.

" Come on,Ally," Troy grabbed her hand. She was about to speak till her eyes met mines. Fear struck her like lightning.

" Allyson go on," I grinned." I dare you."

   She looked at Troy,then Lauren, and back at me. What was pissing me off is she is thinking about it. It is  something that she should already know the answer to.

" I'm staying," she gulped.

   Rather fast, I hopped off the horse to meet my enemy. There was no fear or anger by charm. His dumbass was trying to charm me, so he can take Allyson.

" Lauren, take Allyson back to the castle!" I growled. Lauren nodded, helping Allyson up. Tellulah was staring inside the windows of the rather long building. Children were inside,watching.

" Get the fuck out of my kingdom or we will send your head back on a ship," I threatened. With a frown, Troy made his way back to his carriage.

" I won't give up on her," he says, turning back to me. I don't see the big rage about Allyson. I mean she's gorgeous. Delicate like a flower. She's sweet and sees the best in everyone. Her hair is so soft. Also, her scent is like baked cookie. I just don't see how someone can want that?


   Storming in through the big front doors of my castles, I noticed my staff extra tensed and scared. They were working faster than usual to please me. Lauren was there waiting for me, sitting on Allyson's throne. She stood when she saw me.

" Where is she?" I gritted my teeth. Lauren frowned even bigger.

" Y/N, she didn't want to go with Troy. She-"

" Where iS SHE!" My voice grew in to a huge boom. She sighed, pointing up the stairs.

" In your room," she mumbled.

" Leave now!" I told her.

  Without any further argument, she left as I made my way up to my room. Allyson was standing, playing with her hands nervously. She began quietly crying when she saw me.

" I would of stayed even if you weren't there," she tried to tell me. We both knows that was a damn lie.

" That's a FUCKING lie!" I spat. Allyson flinched like I hit her with my words.

" No, it is-"

   I shoved her on the bed. My hand wrapped around her throat hole I sat on top of her. Her body was trembling. It was slightly a turn on.

" You don't want to be here with me and my sadistic ways and kingdom," I growled." I only need you to have babies."

  Allyson began sobbing, which does it for me. I tore her dress open. My lips harshly sucked and bit her neck,leaving dark marks.

" Please, stop," she begged. My hand slapped her face so hard it echoed.

" Shut up!"

    Getting annoyed with her squirming, I pulled her underwear off so fast it ripped also. Her hands went to cover her now revealed womanhood, but I pinned it above her with one hand.

" No! Please I'll be good! I promise!" She sobbed even louder. Ignoring her, I pulled my member out. Then, I slammed into her hard. My thrust were hard and rough. Forgetting she was a virgin, I was stunned at the sight of blood. I got over it quickly though. Inside of her felt so good it made my thrust deeper. I felt myself getting close but I didn't bother pulling out.

" Y/N! Stop!" Allyson cried out. Her nose was red from all the crying as I took her innocence.

" Fuck, that was amazing," I panted after cumming inside of her. I cleaned off my member with her torn dress. Allyson didn't move. She just laid there, naked, sobbing." Maybe next time, you make sure your father doesn't sign you up to be with Lucifer herself."

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