Chapter Three

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Allyson remained quiet as her father said his goodbyes. The knights and guards bowed their head at her before taking Jerry out. Her gaze never met mine. It was obvious she heard about me. Who hasn't? I am one of the sickest princess there has ever been. Never met a girl who went from playing with cute dolls to voodoo dolls.

" Allyson?" I called. She removed the hair from her face to look at me. Her eyes was bloody red from crying. My favorite shade of lipstick.

" I never m-met a princess who wears pants," she commented on my wear. I wanted to kill her right there for idiocy.

" I never met a princess who almost died being premature and wasn't killed due to her possible deformation," I smiled. Her mouth was ajar. I hit a soft spot, which made me grinned.

" Y/N!" Lauren shouted, coming in. Her personal servant, Camila , was there with her, holding her satchel. Her bag contains her journal, poison, and other personal items. Lauren also never worse a dress unless it was short and for a ball or party.

" Yes, Lauren," I say as she makes her way over to me. Camila, awkwardly, stumbles towards me. To me, she is clumsy and useless. I would of killed her if she was my servant. Then again, I killed all my servants.

" Your father?" she asks." What is going to happen now?"

Lauren didn't even noticed Allyson, standing there. Allyson didn't even bother to get her attention. Camila surely noticed Allyson. She sent a smile and a small wave. Allyson was frightened to send one back.

" I am Queen and the servant of yours is intrigued on my wife," I glared at Camila. She was taken back at my comment. Lauren rolled her eyes.

" Leave Camila alone, Y/N," she scoffed." Who is your wife? She is pretty."

I love Lauren. She can say what she wants to me. I just hate how nice she can be. When she is mad, that is the Lauren I adore. She is her own woman. Does and believes whatever she wants.

" This is Allyson, Northern Princess," I introduced. Lauren was taken back. She was about to open her mouth before the front door opened again. All of our heads turned to the door. The light from outside blinded us but showed the silhouette of the person. She was in a long dress with a tiara. Her knight guided her towards us. It was only the princess if the East, Normani Kordei Hamilton.

" Where is Ally?" her voice boomed. Lauren became and insane shade of pink.

" Normani?" Lauren called out, fixing her blouse. I smirked at my flustered friend. She loves her chocolate.

" I heard about the deal amongst you and Ally," Normani says storming to me. Her knight held her back before she could come close to slapping me. " I'm not scared of you. I hate you and your family. How can you let your kingdom be a living hell?!? Ally shouldn't be with you she should be with Prince Troy."

" You think I want her. I wanted to ruin this by myself not with some spoiled bitch," I gritted my teeth." Also, Prince Troy is a misogynist. Why would you want your friend to marry a man who think a women with an opinion is crazy? You and your knight can go. He must hate being around a little bitch like you."

" My knight is my best friend," Normani crossed her arms." She literally is with me every moment to protect me."

" She?" Camila questioned. Lauren scolded her for speaking out of terms, knowing how it bothers me when she opens her dumb mouth.

" Normani's guards and knights are mixed gendered," Allyson's tiny voice informed." Her kingdom never separates people due race or gender."

  The knight took off her helmet, leaving her golden, curled locks to fall down her back. Her lips were a darkened pink. Not caring that she was wearing a helmet, she still wore makeup.

" Wow," Camila swooned after her.

" Camila, why are you still in my presence?" I said with annoyance.

" Don't be a bitch," Lauren said back.

" Me and you both know that's hard, Lauren."

   The knight rolled her eyes. There was a sense of attitude with her. It made her sexier. Obviously a women who is usually in control.

" Dinah?" Normani called to her." I think it's time for us to go. We will be back tomorrow. I visit Ally everyday."

  Dinah put her helmet back on before strutting out with the princess. It was strangely hot how the Princess of the East is hot as fuck. You hear her laws and think it's some ugly ass social justice warrior.

" Can you not be rude in front of other princesses in my presence?" Lauren groaned as if embarrassed her.

" Hmm, let me think? No," I laughed." It is not like Normani would want to marry you with her history and yours. Lauren, you killed over a hundred people. Plus, your father is a homophobic. Only reason he support me marrying a female is because of my penis."

" I hate how right you are," Lauren sighed. Camila swayed in the back still staring at the princess.

" You don't talk? Or only when Normani is here?" I yanked her wrist. She made a tiny scream at my sudden action.

" I was told not to if I wanted to stay alive by Brandon," she whimpered.

" Don't worry, I won't kill you," I cupped her cheek with my other hand." You have to have my child first."

  Her eyes glistened with the fear that made her look even more attractive in my eyes.

" Majesty?"  The lady of the castle calls for me while coming closer." The deal said the wedding had to be a week from now at the Northern Kingdom. Allyson has full control due to her fully unaware of the deal."

" I was fully unaware of this," I growled." Seems to me as if everyone but me knew about this deal. Nobody cares that the one person who is affected doesn't know!"

" The deal was made before you both were born," the lady of the castle explained." Your father knew you would be made due to your independence. Allyson has been planning her wedding since she was child. Right, my dear?"

  Allyson shyly nodded her head. She pushed  wavy hair behind her ear. She held her hands in front of her, praying this would all be over.

" Can I just get her pregnant and kill her something?" I groaned. Allyson stumbled back in fear of what just came out my mouth as the lady frowned her face.

" No, she has to stay here till the day you die," the lady answers with irritation." She's a perfect wife. Now, come princess, we have a wedding to plan."

  Allyson gladly took the Lady's hand, who led her to the dinning room. Hopefully, they don't make me wear a fucking dress.

" I love her," Lauren smiled. I scoffed at her comment.

" The Lady has always been a pain in my ass. I'm positive she was my father's mistress," I said, running a finger through my hair.

" I meant Allyson," Lauren sighed." She's going to do you good."

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