Chapter Two

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The next morning after the meeting, I had awaken to the sound of screams. It wasn't usual for my kingdom to hear that now and then. It's more unusual not to hear screams or sobs or death in general. The one thing that made me race out of bed was the sound of two bells from the church next door. Two bells means someone in the royal family has died.

" Father!" I called, running to his bedroom. My mother was murdered by someone unknown when I was a baby, so my dad was the only one I had left. Now, he is dead.

  The maid stopped me before I could enter his room. As I fought, the door closed, revealing the blood all over his white sheets.

" This was murder!" I growled." WHO LET MY FATHER GET MURDERED!"

None of the workers answered. There was only one person I knew who would help me. Lauren Jauregui. I wanted to be feared. Don't get me wrong, but she never feared me. I like that. I want at least one person to have a civil conversation to other than my father.

Back in bedroom, I gazed at the other 3 tall castles that were on the island out my window. Lauren was piercing out of hers, frowning at me. I nodded confirming the news. She raced out of her castle to see me.

" I'm the new ruler," I sighed, glancing down at my kingdom. The only colors that were worn by the citizens were beige,brown,grey,and black. Nobody smiled here. They either grinned or smirked viciously. The Western was similar. They had education. Only workers were allowed education. Everyone was poor expecting me here.

" Majesty," my maid bowed before entering my room." You're needed down stairs."

" For what?" I spat. The old lady was afraid. Good.

" King Jerry is here," she says, looking up at me.

  I should of known. That Man always argued with my father. Disagreed with everything that we believed was right. His family ruined the south due to banishing criminals from the North and bringing them here. My great grandparents allowed it till it turned our family evil from all that we have seen.

" Jerry," I pretended to be shocked. His knights stood behind him at high attention." You got here fast. So soon after my father was killed."

" We aren't far plus our horses are the fastest on the Island of Virtue," Jerry defended." Your father and I had a deal. I'm here to go through with it."

" What deal did my father make with such a sick man?" I raised an eyebrow.

" Says the princess of a kingdom were rape is more common than love," he growled.

" You have one minute before I send you off."

" Well, your father always thought I was going to murder him and take over the South. I have no clue or knowledge of the attempts in the past. Little did I think a death obsessed king like your father would be killed."

" Your point?" I crossed my arms. The next part was hard for him to say. Jerry was almost in year. I couldn't help but smile.

" I-I promised if he was to where he killed as long as he was King;  you would marry my Allyson."

  Allyson Brooke Hernandez was quite intriguing. Her parents never let anyone see her. After her almost death as an infant, they protected her from anything harsh. Only part of her people know is her beautiful singing that echoes through the forest. To me, that sounds annoying. Not to the North though.

" Why should I want her?" I said with disgust." I don't want no snotty princess."

" You don't have to want her, but your father says that you should have her," Jerry frowned." I don't want to give up my daughter. I love her. So does the queen, my wife."

" You love her?" I grinned. Jerry simply nodded." Then, I'll have her."

Jerry, looking behind him, told the knights to move. Once they cleared a path in the center, it revealed a short girl in a long soft pink dress with blonde, brown hair. She was gorgeous. One of the most stunning, but I knew better. She was the enemy's daughter.

" This is Allyson."

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