The coma

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Newt's POV

There was something about her that made her look peaceful. I took a chair and sat next to tommy.

"So what happened?" I asked him.

"She came back from ... picking some berries... next second she looked like she was ...being stabbed in the chest... started saying my name over  and over until she just stopped. "

He cupped his head in his hands and started crying.

I never really liked Teresa but that time in WiCKED... it just changed everything. His fear was very noticeable.

"What was that scream... before she came back I heard a scream." He asked pushing away the tears. "Was it her?"

"No. There was somebody... here in the village that... well it looked exactly like what you described except it wasn't Teresa." I explained," they say he was getting stabbed by an invisible blade and he didn't bleed just screamed. Until it stopped." 


That was all he said. Later on Chuck came in with the girl. And as expected they were now friends. Lily went by Thomas's side and stayed there. Then sat on Teresa's bed and eventually fell asleep. I left tommy in the cabin just for a while  then told him to leave. Letting her rest.

"Thomas!" I herd somebody whisper in the cabin and then a fast breathing sound.

I rushed back in as quickly as I could.

"Bloody hell. Teresa... aren't you... dead!?"

"No, where's Thomas. I need Thomas. Please, Newt,please."(oopsie daisy)

I sighed and answered with one simple remark.


I got him came back and of course he was so startled to see her pulled her into an embrace and started kissing her wildly. While she looked like she was suffering. Until she pulled back and started breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath but then started screaming. Almost inhuman shrieks rising above everything  until she just stopped. But this time she was breathing.

Of course tommy being tommy carried her and placed her on the bed and wrapped her in sheets carefully. She was shivering.

And then another loud bloodcurdling scream pierced the air and it wasn't Teresa.

I ran outside where Minho grabbed my arm and took me to the middle of the village, where a dead body lay on the floor with eyes wide open.

"Alright everyone. Back to work."
Said Minho dismissing everyone. The arms and legs lay at inhuman angles and it looked like the head was snapped to the left.  Blood was starting to ooze from the mouth and the eyes seemed to stare deep into your soul.

"MinMin get this-"
"What did you call me!?"
"Get somebody who knows what happened!"
"Yes mom."
"What did you bloody call me!"
"Bye mom,"(😁)

I let him go. Oh well worst decision in my life. Then I heard another scream.

We're gonna have a bloody mess if this keeps going.

But this time it was coming from the cabin.  I ran back.

"Please stop!! Please just... get off me!!!" Then some muffled grunts, "Thomas get off!! Please!!!" Then she moaned. "What is going on! Teresa!Dont-"
"Please Tom please! Don't come close to me! I don't want to! I don't but they're gonna make me! Please don't do it!!" She kept screaming indecipherable words.

"What the bloody hell is going on tommy ?!!" I ran through the door. Screaming at the top of my lungs.

He was holding her hands in the bed the lower part of her body was squirming and kicking all over the place. One foot caught tommy right between the legs and he lost grip on one of her hands that held a knife and slashed him on the side. He scrambled off in the floor holding the wound.

"Go!...get her!"

"No. What were you doing to her!"
"She said I was hurting her that... that  I would be next..." be stopped and let out a soft grunt, "that she wasn't doing it. That she didn't want to... aaagh!!!"

"Then she grabbed a knife and tried to slash me. I pinned her to the bed she ... she was crying... she was controlled..."

Teresa's POV

I couldn't stop myself. I tried to stop. I just couldn't get a hold of myself. It as taking me over, and my first instinct was to run and stop the person doing This to me.

I kept running until I reached her place,

"No. Everything's fine really I know how to take care of myself. Plus what could go wrong. I mean she already fell for him it'll be  easier to get her  out of the way. I'll avenge you, and those who are not supposed to be here. "
*awkward silence*
"Oh... Aris... he can-"

"How dare you..."

I started kicking, punching, and trying to grab her neck but she was just too stubborn. Of course the screams wee probably heard.

Somehow she got a clear grip on my neck and I reached for the dagger in my pocket carefully pointing toward her leg. And she grabbed it pressing it slightly hard against my neck.

"You're working for rat man... aaagh..."
She squeezed harder.

"Shut up. You made the decision to get your memories back remember? Oh if you don't we implanted another controller in there. Hey I'm a pretty good actress. Shush sh Sh... we don't want anyone coming here, do we?"
She squeezed even harder.

"Newt!!!! Minho!!!" I screamed and then my last words were merely a whisper

"You...can't kill me...again."

"Oh you know I can!"

Then somebody came barging through the door. I felt her hands being taken away from my neck and heard the sharp Ping of the blade falling. I couldn't get a clear view but felt strong arms hold me

Heard Newt's voice saying something I couldn't quite make out.

"Don't worry it'll be fine," then a finger brush a strand of my hair. I passed out with one word on my mind.


Hey gladers. What'd ya think, I was trying to get some love triangles back from the original story. So here's aris


Oh thanks but seriously I couldn't have done it without you. Oh and my friend angie, if you like haikyuu then she's the girl ( she writes one shots).
So go follow her Haikyuunoya264
Do it for me.

      I love to hear what you think. So vote, comment, follow. Oh I'm going to be giving a fact about me... wait how bout 'we call 'em grievers'.

Griever of the day is I'm a brunette. Yay.

- Nat 🙃

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