She looked like a princess

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They really wanted to keep us. If they didn't then they wouldn't have their blueprint or their cure. Their subjects would have to be kept alive for this reason.

I left the room. After arguing with Minho I think he might even be right. If wicked really did need to find a cure they needed to keep their test subjects alive. They needed their mental activity.

I threw myself on a bed that I found in an empty cabin and decided to call that home.

I started to drift away in my thoughts. The first thing that came to mind is leaving Tom. After u promised him I would never leave him again.

The second was that we really didn't have any place to go if we left paradise. Unless someone figured that we can take a speedboat full of people to go across the sea, into another continent and I don't know... Go to the North Pole?

I slowly drifted into a heavy sleep. A sleep that took me into its trembling arms and shook me to the awakening. Remembering stuff I had forgotten. Stuff wicked had deleted. Stuff they had told me would never be important in the case of survival.

I was standing in the middle of a small shack. I was about four or five. Thorpe was blood dirt and scratch marks everywhere.

The smell was driving me crazy: rotten meat. Which explained all the dead bodies when I opened the door. I was crying at the sight of the woods. As if a great part of me had departed into the thicket. I stared blankly all around me. Then looked at my arm.

Something had been plunged in there a bout the size of an arrow. A dart most likely. The wound was bloody and dirty. I had tried looking for water, found nothing but blood.

The massacre seemed to had taken my parents away. I was alone I still didn't know or, quite seemed to remember hat happened. My eyes wee full of tears and every person I pass had the same mark I had, but in their neck or back practically anywhere. I was...
Alone. I was the only one still alive. I felt the sun scorching my skin and every tear that fell was a relief , like a drop of water from the sky in an arid desert.

I looked all around me. Practically dead people anywhere an the trees roads (or the closest things to roads) rooftops. The trees seemed a bit burnt at the top as if someone with a torch lot the top on fire.

The sky was an orangish shade of blue. Much different than a sunny blue sky. It was more like the sky in the scorch.

I walked around for a second. Looking at everything that had happened.

I caught a glimpse of movement in the woods. Figured it might just be an animal. And animals know how to get water. I could starve to death or die of dehydration. It's either I follow or leave my life at the brinks of extinction.

I decided to follow.

It unfortunately was a hare but ran away faster than I could, a small dehydrated and hungry little girl I went back to the shack and started to cry.

The tears mixed with the dirt and blood on the walls and floors.

I heard footsteps outside, but then later figured it just might be my mind playing tricks on me. The footsteps where getting closer.

I knew already that I was going to die. Of starvation or of thirst or of whatever death was destined for me. Either the dart that killed everyone or the sun's extreme heat. Of whatever it was I was destined for death.

Everyone in this world was destined to die. But I wasn't gonna give up that easily. I'm not going to die. Not like everyone else. I will die doing something memorable. Something brave. Not weakness or disease taking over my immune system. Not by letting the sun dry me into sand.
Not by letting Visions of water fool me.

I decided to go outside and check what it was.

There were no footsteps near me. There were no people or animals around. I just knew it was my mind.

I heard more footsteps. A group. Of about four people. Boots.

Then in the distance I saw...

Actual people.
They wee headed towards my village. I walked towards them. But then they pinched their noses and started walking away. All but one. A blonde girl.she was walking towards me, pointing at me!

I started to walk towards her. Slowly planting each foot on the ground beneath me.

As I inched closer I saw her face. It was dirty and strands of hair had passed out from her ear. She had some scratches and blood on her hands not much though. I could tell she just finished crying. Whatever had happened to her, she still looked beautiful to me. She looked like a princess. One of those that I never saw on TV.

She asked me my name.

I woke up.

Damn it.
What was my name? I needed to know maybe that would help me. Just maybe.

I was to envolved In my thinking that I barely noticed that there was a little girl crying in the corner of the cabin in which I had settled in.

I was curious and walked towards her. She had blonde hair. And blue eyes. She looked just like the girl from my dream. She was really pretty. But she was crying.

She looked like three or four years old.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"I lost them."
"Who?" I asked with complete sympathy while sitting next to her.
"My parents."

The End... Or Is It?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ