the finding (part two)

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Thomas's POV

I scrolled up and suddenly I notice there's something on the ground three trees away from me.

I didn't pay much attention to it because it was nothing to care about. Then I see hair. Black hair. Unmistakable black hair and freak out. Im dying inside at what I'm seeing. And I can't do anything.

Finally Tom I did it

He heard her voice in his head. But she sounded different like she was under a trance. I tried to look for help and ended waking Newt up. He tried to whisper into her ear. And she did wake up. But she had something different her eyes were faded. Almost completely grey now. She looked tired then she smiled at me. She said something completely bizarre,"I did Tom. I did it"

I didn't know what she meant but I didn't care. After she said that her head fell back. Newt looked at me completely baffled with a look that explained how puzzled he was and scared of what might happen to her. He grabbed her in his arms and swayed her side to side to see if she'd awaken. She didn't but he trying. He was being too careful with her. And that's how she should be treated but I felt like I had to take matters into my own hands. I grabbed her body and hung on to it. Like my life depended on it. I leaned my head against her chest to feel her heartbeat,she was awake. She was breathing. That's all that mattered to me.

Newt stood up and looked at me.i only gave him a sideways glance and slightly nodded. Then he let out a breath I bet he didn't even know he was holding.

"What do you think could've happened here?"

I barely had the breath to speak but managed to make out a few words.

"I don't know."

"Pretty piece of information." Was his response. "I think we should keep her hidden from the rest it's probably way easier on everyone."

I nodded.

"Well than let's put her under some bloody blanket."

I took her into the place I was sleeping in and carefully wrapped her in blankets. She barely moved while I was in the process of doing so. She moved her mouth once and her arm twice.

I decided to snuggle with her under the blankets. I know I shouldn't have done it. But it felt right.  As long as she was asleep she wouldn't feel any pain. I just wanted the feel of her body close to mine again.

I felt like she was my teddy bear. I can't sleep right without her since that ray in WICKED I felt like I couldn't sleep right. I needed her at least close to me.

I didn't feel it but soon I was asleep. I could've been scared but I didn't care.

Newt's POV

He fell asleep. Just great. Seriously this bloody idiot just has to make matters worse. He'll end up killing her. But he looked so peaceful and so did she. Maybe as long as she was asleep.

I let them sleep for a while. I went back to viewing the maps. Everything had been so different. Before.

I decided not to think so hard about about that.

Third person's POV

Everything was peaceful everyone was asleep. And it was pretty late. Minho got up first. He accidentally shook miyoko up. Minho woke newt up. Newt woke  Thomas up and Thomas did nothing.

He begged for five more minutes. Surprisingly. He's usually the one to wake everyone up. And rush them to start moving.

Everyone woke up. And Thomas was still in 'bed' with Teresa. Suddenly Teresa started shifting in Thomas's arms. He stood up and smiled.  Looked at her with surprise.

"I thought you would never wake up."

"I did,"

She smiled. And that's when he saw it, her eyes.

"I was wondering why my head was throbbing,"

"Sorry. you fell from a tree I couldn't help it. I miss you"

"Me too. " her smile wiped away. "How can you miss me,If we only slept together two nights?"

He grasped for words. How could she ask this.

"I- I love you."

Her eyes grew said and her facial expressions wiped off. She looked sorry and sad at the same time. 

"I love you more" and she ran away.

That part of him ran away. And she ran away from her part.

She went to Newt. He looked at her in distress.

"You didn't enjoy your surprise?"

She stared in disbelief. "How could I not. I loved it. But I can't stand it."


"I don't know. As long as I can't talk to him."

Newt just kept staring at her.

"I wish we could do it more often."

She held her right arm right arm,crossed her feet,and bit her lip which said it hurts but yes.

Her head was hurting a lot. But she spent a night with him. And she felt happy. Suddenly her pain didn't matter so much anymore. Then she thought about how she just left him. Maybe he thought that she didn't love him enough.

But she really did. She loved him beyond the stars. She just wanted to go up to him. Tell him how much she loved him. Kiss him. And...


She couldn't do anything else.

"If it's something crazy you better not do it. I know you're thinking."

Aris came up to them.

"Hey don't you think we should get moving?"

"Yep start getting everyone up. Move them north. We'll meet you up later."


He left. And so did everyone else.

"What are you doing?"

"You tell me what you're thinking. And I'll make your dreams come true. Or try to at least."

"Yesterday I woke up and climbed up a tree I saw someone walking with Aris. I  don't know who it is. But I think it's an intruder. When I got closer he disappeared. "  Teresa stalled.

Newt must've taken it and started thinking. Thats when Teresa had the chance to run and so she did. Newt came with her,which was very unexpected.

Miyoko saw her first and gave her a nudge in the arm." I heard you slept with him. " she said.

"Well I couldn't feel anything except pain. But oh you don't know. Just how great it feels. "

"I know."

Then Sonya joined in.

"How's it going with Newt?" Asked miyoko.

"He still doesn't believe me. He thinks I'm just messing with him. "

"Don't give up yet someday he'll recognize you."

I smile was plastered across her face. There was hope. For Everything and anything. 

Teresa went on about telling them about how rudely she'd walked away and that she wanted to kiss him there and then.

They all shrieked at the news. Maybe she shouldn't have told them.

This was her problem and she didn't want anyone snooping in trying to help. It was too much already dealing with her. 

They promised they wouldn't tell anyone. And she believed them.

What if they're right
What if all she needed was talking to someone about their problems. After that they became instant best friends. For as long as it may last.

Word count:1211 have a beautiful day.


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