that one girl everyone thinks is possessed

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"perfect then," newt said "let's go look for them,"

as they set out Lily had been wondering why Newt, a perfectly normal guy would be scared of a maze. she gathered up every piece of information that Teresa had told her about the maze, and came up with the most brilliant conclusion a six year old girl could ever make. well, at least that's what she thought.

what if Newt was just afraid of what was inside the maze rather than the maze itself.

Lily was mind blown. and so said the expression on her face.

She couldn't wait until she asked him why he would be scared of the grievers that Teresa made sound stupid. to lily they were just slugs (or spiders for you movie fans). Teresa had said they were stupid and ugly. and Lily imagined them as stupid and ugly.

Then again lily came with another brilliant conclusion, what if Teresa had not told her everything about the grievers. what if the grievers were not all stupid and ugly. what if Teresa had lied to her.

she tried to shake the thought off her head. why would Teresa ever lie to her? she couldn't imagine Teresa lying to her. but lily being the child she is kept it fixated in her mind along with the thought that Newt was scared of grievers.

chuck had just been thinking about the dream he had. it was about Thomas. he had been taking to Thomas in paradise and then Lily came, and Thomas left him for lily.

a pang of jealousy shot through his spine.

had Thomas really left him, his little brother for this little girl?

And Newt. Newt was mostly annoyed. and creeped out. by this little girl. walking beside him. whom had grasped his hand. and Newt tried to take it back. but the girl just held it tighter. Newt walked forward with no idea where he was going. afraid, that this girl Teresa had picked up out of nowhere might be possessed. why would a girl her age ask more about something that could give you nightmares. something that can bring you to kill yourself.

Newt decided to shake off the thought that she was possessed. and tried shaking her hand off.

why ever could she be possessed? that's just stupid.

he thought to himself.

to no avail, she asked, " Newt, why would you try to shake my hand off? you could've just said so. if it made you feel uncomfortable. do you... not like me?" she said after a long time.

ya know what? you're right I don't. you shucking scare me. and I don't know why the bloody hell you would want to know more about the maze. okay.

is what he really wanted to say. instead what he said was, "no, you're just wonderful. like a ray of sunlight." he said it dully. with no expression. so that she would not suspect ore than he thought she already did.

Chuck had been leading them into nowhere.

" the others are looking in other directions." he said.

newt then snapped and remembered what they were doing. bloody tommy ad shot out to be the hero again and decided to save his girlfriend, princess Teresa, but instead got himself into more trouble.

He wondered if they were just going in circles. could the trust chuck. So instead he took lead. left Lily behind him and Chuck next to her but chuck came running back to him.

" what? ya don't like the girl?"

"not at all,"

"is okay, she scares me too. "


newt tilted his head to the side. "forget it."

he kept walking. and poor Lily was left alone in the back.

Lily who had been really lost in thought. came back to the real world with the sound of a swoosh right next to her and a thunk into the nearest tree. she looked back and examined the tree. in the middle of it was a small dart. with words imprinted on it. she looked back at newt and chuck but they just kept walking.

" wait! guys, if ound this."

newt turned around and looked her in the eye. "what." he said once again dully and without emotion. she hsowed him the dart and held it extremely close to his face.

he backed away with a look of fear, nad looked back at Chuck, "she's possessed i tell you." he murmured. Hoping the girl hadn't heard him.

but then took a closer look.


it read. it creeped him out. that the words were there. that it was the girl whom had gotten it and how she got it.

" where did you get this?" he asked her almost trembling in fear. he couldn't help but think that she had something to do with the ominous word.

"it was in the tree someone shot it there just now. i swear it."

and as those words wouldve triggered, another dart came shooting through. this time landing right next to the spot where the other one had sank.

well if it's not the girl who's shooting then she's safe. I guess.

newt reached out for her hand. deciding that maybe she could protect them.

"okay... it's okay...' said Newt placing the girl in front of him, and chuck behind.

"okay. I-Is anybody there?" he said. you could admit newt was kinda scared. another dart.


Newt takes another step towards his attacker. and asks again. but the attacker remains silent. Lily captivated by the fear cries out, "he asked you something now be polite and come out! and newt why would you ask that? of course there is someone hiding there. where else could've the bullets come from?"

"ha! Seems the child got more brains than you newton!" the mysterious voice cried out in laughter. gurgled screams of laughter.

Almost 4k guys! Let's keep going!

The End... Or Is It?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora