the fear of falling apart

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Teresa's pov

The room was a mess by now. Not that it hadn't been before though. Either way it was still dirty and dusty. The bed was just covered in dust. It kinda disgusted me. What had i done. What had we done? Why here anyways?

I looked at my clothes. And as expected were covered in dust. Why do i hate dust so much now? I literally went through the scorch i should get used to it.

I looked through the closet trying to find any new clothes in there. Not that they would be new. I found a shirt and pants. Loose fitting cozy pants. I stared at the only mirror in the room. A small looking glass hanged on the wall. My face was red. And my hair was everywhere. Then thomas came and kissed my neck as i put on the other shirt.

Then he stared in the mirror. I could see his freckles and his cheeks blushing a bright pink that made him look so adorable. I didnt scold him for staring this time. I found a black t shirt and threw it at him. He knew what to do and put it on.

He was still muscular. He wasnt fat. Still he looked beautiful.

Third person's pov

Teresa stared and thomas responded with the same action. They felt trust within each other. They felt that nothing could tear them apart although they knew it already had.

Teresa did her magic bun with no hair tie but thomas decided to take it off and braid.

She doesnt remember ever teaching him how to braid. Or how he learned. It just came he said.

The only things in the room was a bed, a dresser and a small mirror. Other than stale dusty air and their tangled love for eachother. Oh god this is getting cheesy.

When thomas was done braiding she pulled it into a magic bun with 2 braids on the side.

Noe the hard part was getting out. They knew what minho would do if he found out. And they didn't want drama around. Newt and Lily were outside the room. Newt would get mad.

The last exit left was the window.

So it happened out the window they went. First Teresa then Thomas. They shivered in the snow. Although they took some bedsheets to protect themselves from the cold. Which wasn't much help.

Together  they ran away. Hand in hand. Trying to remember what they left behind.

Break from your author

Scientifically, falling in love has the same effect as taking cocaine or any drug.

You cant help but laugh, your heart rate increases, and your pupils dialate.

I guess you could say Teresa and Thomas were high. On love i mean. Dont do drugs kids. You have my permission to fall in love.
But if they break you dont cry they dont deserve your tears.

Oof we got a little far from the point.

Teresa and Thomas are high. They dont know what they're doing. For now. And i guess thats why they are running away.

Now lets go back.

Third person's pov

House to house. Yard to yard. Flower picking, petal plucking.skipping in daisies. No raindrops on roses or girls in white dresses.

Two houses down nobody knew they had run away. That Teresa had a small hickey near her neck and down the hem of her shirt, only thomas knew that.

And nobody knew that Thomas's lips were redder than ever. Only teresa.

Newt was alone with lily still wondering what happened to Tommy and Teresa. But first be had to explain to this little lady that he loved her very much.

Minho was still fighting with miyoko. All the while everyone living like they did in paradise. A little devastated though. And no one helped Gally.

Gally was still trying to contact his lost cousin. Everyone was still deciding on staying here. But Gally wasnt gonna settle for it. He wanted to see if he really had a family. He wanted to be in a safe place with people. Ya know safety in numbers.

He was practically the only person who had been all alone and still found a way to fix things.

He knew where they were going. The virtual maps had a small contact log but he hadnt found anything he could've thought to be familiar. Every phone had a phone book, He noticed.

And every house had a phone. He just had to look in the right place.

In each and every house. Two houses down something had changed. The door was open and things were tipped over. Beds were ruffled and lamps tipped over.
He feared it might've just been more people but it could also be cranks.

He leaned in towards the bedroom,  nothing. And or in the den and dining room and kitchen. No one that was fairly visible was seen inside the house which left his questions unanswered.

Except when from the kitchen you can see the yard. With long weeds rising higher than the newly grown sunflowers. Grasses that could reach hop too your knees.

And between that grass there was a silhouette of two people. And he knew he shouldn't have, but f he took a peek. And was not unsatisfied with what he saw. For it had been one of his guesses.

Someone get the author some friends. She is lonely, and very lovely. Oh submit the questions for the qna guys.

Happy mayday ** cough cough parade cough**


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