forget me (not)

169 8 3

third persons POV

Teresa kept walking with Miyoko. they had a pretty hard day. Walking through bushes and up mountains. They ate some berries while walking and tried to catch them in each other's mouths.

after a few minutes, they grew tired of throwing berries because they would all fall. So they decided to just eat them and talked while doing so.

"so, tell me. What happened yesterday?" Miyoko said after a while.

"well. I dont remember much" she looked at her confused. "I mean I was asleep. I didn't know he was with me. If I did I would've... Well you know..."

She struggled to find words. But she knows what she might've done. Everything led to that.

"I saw you and Minho scooted close last night."
"Yeah but that's not the matter. Just tell me what happened."

Teresa inhaled and tried to explain. "Ok. I climbed up a tree, saw you and Minho, then heard Tom's voice in my head telling me to stop thinking. Or something like that. So I accidentally fell from the tree and hit my head. It felt nice at first. When I opened my eyes I saw Tom with his arms wrapped around me protectively."

"And how do feel about that?"
"I certainly want to do it again."

They giggled. While up ahead Thomas was walking silently.

"What's wrong Tommy? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yeah but that's not the matter. I was just thinking about her. She didnt seem very happy."

"Of course she waa s happy. She told me. Guess what else sje told me."


"She wants to do it more often. She said she had been wanting it for so long. And as long as she is asleep. You could maybe sneek her up."

Thomas thought hard about it. He might've been right. He was gonna try it. If these were his last or her last days then might as well make them worth it.

"I'll do it."

"That's the Tommy I know. "

Now he just had to make a plan. And quick because it was getting dark soon.

He probably thought of kidnapping her. At one point. It had been long since that happened though.

The sun was getting closer to the horizon. He hadn't thought of anything. He was sure to just skip out on tonight. He wanted to just give up. But Teresa had another plan.


"You're just gonna sneak up to him. Ok. Get in stay in you're done. "

"I don't think I can do this."

"Of course you can. Plus he'll notice you sooner or later."

"I think I shouldn't be do this. "

"Well now you are. "

She pushed her out of the bushes they were hiding in. In front of her was a sleeping Thomas.
She looked back at Miyoko, she motioned to go ahead do it. But teresa was scared. She was hoping that he would like it. But what if he doesn't.

But since she was already there she just couldn't say no. She wanted to do it anyways.

She slipped in. Carefully wrapping his arm around herself. Then came the pain in the back of her skull. It was so I painful she let let our a groan. Hoping she didn't wake Thomas up. She faced the other way and tried to sleep.

Thomas's POV

She can't hide from me. I can tell she's not asleep.

I gently grab a strand of her hair. I pull it into a braid. And I know what she wanted to say. There was no need for talking. She and I were connected.

I made her look at me. She kept her eyes closed. She had a sorry look on her face. I felt sorry too. Because I knew the pain she was going through for this. I wanted to say only one thing.

"Thank you." Then I placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She looked at me, opened her eyes. Shining in the moonlight. And that's what made everything so special. The moon lit her eyes up. And I saw that they were blue. Blue and full of pain.

Pain that could never been taken away. Since she was a little girl. Everything they did to her. Everything the world has done to her. She lost what won't return. She loved. And that came with pain. And that pain is still in there. All that she did for me. And what have I done for her?

I pulled her closer to me arms wrapped my arms around her waist. She still looked at me. Her stare was hipnotizing. It said a lot of things. Her mind was busy. Too busy.

"You'll never be alone again I promise you."

I was shedding tears of my own now. I put my face on her head.

"I'm so sorry."

She kissed my cheek and layed her head on my chest. She was also crying. She sobbed confidently. She wasn't afraid to cry. And I liked that.



"You could forget me. "

"I would never forget you. "

How can she ask something like this. Ask me to forget her?

Teresa's POV

I just want to forget you.



"Just forget me."

"I would never forget you. Why would you ask that?"

"You told me to. So just go ahead jist so you kbow I still love you."

With that I wrapped my arns arpind his neck symbolizing that I would never forget him.

(A short explanation in third person's POV)

Teresa had heard the voice inside her head that said she had to forget him and he wanted tk forget her. She thought this was Thomas.

Yet Thomas didn't know any of this because he had stopped talking to her telepathically to avoid hurting her. He thought she was acting strange.
Above all he wanted to know what qas goinh on.

The more she cried the more he wanted to know what was going on. Amd she'd probably never tell him.

The telepathy came as a form for WICKEDro keep am eye on them if they wanted to turn it off they could turn it off. If they wanted to talk through it they could talk through it. Hans didn't remove all the mechanism that WICKED had put in  I their heads. He removed what he could and  told thomas that he would no longer be able to communicate telepathically with Teresa. He believed it and never tried it again.

Teresa ,on the other hand, had only her swipe removed allowing her to remember her past. WICKED had stored some controls in her head and only disconnected her telepathy.

Word count:1111 words

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