the finding (part one)

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A/n sorry I haven't posted... again. But this time I promise I will post more and stop procrastinating. I slammed the car door on my finger and now it's black it hurts a lot. And it was my fault for being impatient. I wanted to get out of the car so badly that I didn't see where I put my thumb.

Third persons POV

The next day Teresa sneaked out of her sleeping place very quietly to make sure she didn't wake Aris up. Everything was quiet. Not even the trees made the slightest sound. She felt peaceful. For once in this life.

She climbed a tree and stayed up there. From there she could see everything. Everyone. She could see Aris struggling with his eyes closed trying to find her.

Minho and miyoko had certainly gotten close last night. Her head positioned on Minho's chest.

If only I could do that again with the person I love. She thought to herself.

Other than that they were the only couple that scooted closer. Teresa and Thomas certainly didn't.

Then she heard a voice in her head.

Listen. Teresa. You don't have much time you have to stop. Now. You have to stop thinking this. And everything else. Just Stop.

The voice spoke in a quiet whisper in her head.

Teresa. It's me, Thomas.

That moment she almost fell from the tree. She was hanging from her fingertips.

It was probably a ten feet fall from where she was. She was somehow not afraid if anything. And let go.

She felt free. And she liked it. She felt like she could do this everyday. But then came the pain.

Back first. She felt the pain travel up her spine. Down to her legs. Up to her neck. Then reaching her head. There it all happened too fast. She felt as if the whole world would blank out. Forget about doing this everyday. How could she stand this?

She just wanted it all to end.

Please pass out. Please.

After a while she felt a pain and a buzz in her skull. There was something wrong. But before she could figure out what it was she passed out and felt calmness wash over her.


Something woke Thomas up. He sprang to his feet. Forgetting even the slightest dream he had.

Well , if he was awake he might as well study the maps.

He sneaked the maps from minho's arm. He climbed up a tree that wasn't very high but was still high enough to be at peace. He grabbed one of the old maps from about 2001 and compared it to the new holographic Map. The world had changed. A lot. If you saw islands, well no more. Maybe volcanoes, hot spots, Hawaii!  The vacation place he knew his parents just had To have been there. Well he'll never get to see it. The continents were in different places. Some thinner others thicker.

However he saw no difference between the places on earth then and now. And the city they we're going to was just a few miles, maybe sixty, away. The new maps had wristwatch attachments that made it easier to carry. He put one on and started touching the holographic mountains and started scrolling up and up to find the city they were going to. 

im sorry im late. but i've had a lot of problems.and i cant think many were caused by my finger. but others were more than that. Therefore I apologize for the lack of conscience. I will write the second part later

The End... Or Is It?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora