Chp. 27 "Home Sweet Home"

Start from the beginning

Soon Gage and Max were dropping us off at my house while Max questioned me once again, “We’re getting together tomorrow right?”

I rolled my eyes, he was always the ambitious kind, “Yes Max, we’ll call Roger.”

He nodded as Gage smiled half-heartedly, “I’ll be at the station tomorrow, I need to let them know I made it back and get some things done there.”

I waved my hand at both of them as they were off into the night, or more accurately, morning. It was 2:15 AM and I was worn out. Avery and I let ourselves into my house and hauled our stuff to my room, where we would lay down and finally sleep away our exhaustion. I couldn’t explain how everything today had worn me out but right now I could barely keep my eyes open.

I changed our of my jean shorts and into something more comfortable, too tired to even shower. I would simply do that tomorrow morning when I wasn’t so zombie-like.

I threw myself onto the bed next to Avery as her hand stroked through my hair, pulling my eyes open a little longer. She smiled weakly, “Andy… I’m scared.”

I sat up, peering at her through the dark, “Why are you scared?”

Her hand stroked down my face and across my arm, leaving a trail of burning skin as she continued to touch me. It was actually starting to wake me up a bit. I heard her respond, “Today, all the stuff your mom told us, and that person chasing us… it’s scary. Everything is starting to unwind and questions are being answered… I’m just scared it’s all too much for us.”

I leaned into her, kissing her lips softly in an attempt to calm her down. I didn’t want her to worry, mostly because this involved me rather than her, but she was still along for the ride. I smiled into her lips, “Avery, everything is going to be ok. We’ll call Roger tomorrow and get some things straight, and we’ll go from there. Nothing is going to happen to you…”

I felt her shake her head against my palm, “I’m not worried about me, I’m worried about you.”

I felt my heart clench at her response, knowing she had every reason to be afraid for me. I didn’t want to worry her but I couldn’t comfort her either. I kissed her once more before pulling her warm body into me, “There’s nothing to worry about, I promise.”

“I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

I smiled at the thought, “Don’t worry, I can’t die Avery. They can’t kill me even if they tried.”

~ ~ ~ ~

The morning rays were soon peeking through my curtains, hitting my eye lids and causing me to groan as they opened. I tried to rub the tiredness from them as I leaned over and glanced at my clock, realizing it was 1:30 in the afternoon.

I lifted myself off of the bed and shuffled slowly to the bathroom, feeling grimy from yesterday’s events. I knew today we would have to get down the business because we had no time to waste with trying to find Roger and the Protection Bureau. I wasn’t on their radar, which meant they weren’t looking for me, which also meant it would be that much harder to find them.

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