"Oh, yeah. That's kind of my way of saying 'hi there' to people that are far away from me." The rainbow girl said. "Anyway, I'm Rainbow Dash. And this is my partner-for-now, Ruby Rose."

"Hi." The girl known as Ruby said.

"Well, can you at least tell us what is going on?" Nona asked.

"Sure. But can you do us one favor?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Okay. What is it?" Ren asked.


The humans heard a gunshot as they ducked and turned around, only seeing the girl in red on top of another building.

"Ugh. I hate her." Ruby groaned. "She is evil and an abomination!"

"Can you please just get us out of this mess?" Clarissa demanded.

"Don't worry." Rainbow said. "We have a couple friends waiting for us at Nibel Park. They have a ship."

"Perfect! Get us out of here!" Alex said. "I have a stepbrother that I want alive!"

"Okay. Just let me call them over. They'll pick us up." Ruby pulled out her phone and started texting.

"Who's this 'they' you speak of?" Ren wanted to know.

"Well, one of them is the greatest person we've ever met!" Rainbow explained. "She is a strong Warrior who would never leave anyone behind. And the other one is the greatest friend we'd ever have. You guys would like him. He's funny."

"Okay then. Where will we find them?" Nona asked.

"They will be meeting us here." Ruby put her phone in her pocket. "They're on their way to pick us up."

"I'm sorry. Us?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. You guys will be coming with us..." Rainbow explained.

"Oh no. Nuh-uh. No way." Clarissa said. "There is no way I am coming with Rainbow Flash and Little Red Riding Hood to meet these people who are going to meet us and take us to a magical place where they are probably going to imprison us."

"Do I really look like Little Red Riding Hood?" Ruby looked down at her clothes.

"Well, you have the cape for it. So, yeah." Alex said.


Rainbow shook her head. "Listen...uh..."

"Clarissa." Clarissa said.

"Clarissa. You are just exaggerating. And for the record, we are not going to imprison you. We're going to protect you."

"Oh, really? From what?" Clarissa crossed her arms and glared at Rainbow.

"Well, from the source of the disappearances, the attacks, the dust thefts in Remnant. We just want you guys to be safe."

"And what is this 'source' called?" Clarissa demanded to know.

"We can't tell you because it's part of the rules." Rainbow glared at Clarissa.

"What rules?"

"Like I said, we can't say it. Only the boss and his wife can tell you guys. They know more about them than all of us."

"Who is 'them'?"

"If I tell you, you guys would freak out!"

"That is what Ruby said when we were on that train. It was all her that everyone on this island knows about us because she posted a picture of us on social media!"

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