Vowels/Consonants: 의

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Twenty-second letters! I bet it didn't occur to you that ㅡ could be combined, did it? Well, it can. Good news is that it can only combine with ㅣ!! Bad news is... the pronounciation depends on where it is located in the word 😬 BUT LOOK! It's fairly easy to know how to pronounce 의. At the BEGINNING of a word, you pronounce it as you would if you read each vowel individually. It's a bit tricky to say ㅡ then ㅣ so practice that. But easy, right? At the END of a word you read it as the END of tha syllable: ㅣ. NOW THAT ONLY APPLIES TO CASES WHERE 의 IS NOT A POSSESSIVE PARTICLE. Which are the exceptions. So most of the time you can choose to pronounce end-of-the-word 의's as either 이, 예, or 에. I've heard it in all ways, especially pronounced as 예. For example, if instead of using the short and contract form of my in Korean I wanted to say my in a noncontracted way, I would put 나 and 의 together to make 나의, most commonly pronounced 나예. BUT if I wanna say the word for doctor in Korean, 의사, I would pronounce it as 으이사. Get it? Now you're ready to tell people whose girlfriend you are. 방탄소년단 박지민의 여자 친구예요!!

방탄소년단= BTS

박지민= Park Jimin

의= possessive particle

여자= lady/woman/girl

친구= friend

여자 친구= girlfriend

이에요= copula verb! A very importantverb that means "to be"

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