Consonants: ㅅ

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Fourth letter! ㅅ is for Summit (the mountain) or the Stem of a plant. Very soft.

It's very breathy and soft, like the one you hear in annyeonhaSeyo (안녕하세요) or kim Seokjin (김석진). This letter is special, because it has a triple transformation! I'll decide whether to put all the transforming consonants in one chapter or separate chapters, because they're really easy.

Pronounciation tip! When put before an i (pronounced ee as in Lee) or before the y (like in Suga, which we pronounce shoogah 슈가), the ㅅ Summit sounds like sh. That is strictly when the sound after it is ee/y (same pronounciation! Y is just an i you add before a vowel. Think about it.) So, if I wanted to say "Shigani eobseo!" (시간이 없어! which means, ")there is no time!"), I would pronounce the first ㅅ as SH because there's an ee afterwards, and the second ㅅ as an S, because the next sound is another vowel that is not ee. Similarly, if I wanted to tell Seventeen's Joshua that there is no time... Joshyua, shigani oebseo! (조슈아, 시간이 없어!), I'd pronounce the first ㅅ (the one in the word Joshua (조슈아)) as SH because it comes before an ee sound. You'll understand this once I give the y vowels (lessons on this would come after all the other consonants and vowels)

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