What is Hangeul? 🤔

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So! Each chapter will begin with the symbol, then an English word that looks like that symbol and begins with the sound of that symbol! For example, ㅁ is for Map, because it's squared and dlat like a Map would be. It sounds like our M. Underneath you'll have a description about the letter and anything else you should know. So, quick readers can read the first thing I post then AFTER LIKING THE CHAPTER 😹 go on to the next chapter to the next letter! Fairly simple right?

A little background on how to read Hangeul (not necessary since it's intuitive: top to bottom, left to right):

! Well first off, Korean is INSANELY EASY. Not just the writing, but in general. People will tell you it's really hard to learn, but that's only because they look at it from an English speaker's perspective. Korean is actually more convenient and logical in many aspects. But back to writing, I'd say it's the easiest and most convenient language to read and write, and that's mostly because their writing system wasn't developed throughout the years. It was just decided one day that everybody would learn to read and write and that their alphabet would be simple and easy for everyone to learn and avoid illiterates. Hangeul is organized in syllables that each contain a MINIMUM of one consonant and one vowel, left to right always (there can be consonants afterwards, 2 max) is read from left to right, top to bottom. That goes both for reading each separate letter to reading syllable by syllable

Contrasting English, Hangeul puts letters into syllable blocks. Like for example the word for sky, 하늘, is composed of ㅎ ㅏ ㄴ ㅡ ㄹ all put into blocks, not written side to side as English does. But as I said, it's easy because it goes from top to bottom, left to right. Now, it's also easier than the Roman alphabet because look at your keyboard!! Who the heck came up with such random curves for random sounds, and even more there's a whole other alphabet for capital letters. Add on to it that there's cursive letters for both cases. Whoof!! That's a lot of alphabets when you think about it! Not Hangeul. It's strictly sticks and circles joined together. Very simple!!

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